"And clueless and ignorant individuals whining about something isn't really a good reason to add or remove planes from the planeset." So I put words in your mouth ? That is a quote from you .
Here is the test . Test conducted at 1000 k alt auto level on . E6b used for recording speed . 1k alt was obtained throttled back until speed was 120 ias . Full throttle then applied .2 stop watches started by myself and wife as speed hit 150 mph. watches stopped at 250 mph . Test repeated 5 times . Differences in times below .5 seconds for both watches , each test . AC were augured after each test . Fuel level was 100% no ords and heavy gun package . Load out was slightly modified from original test ,to eliminate only complaint you had to tests . This is a brew vs a 190a8 . Buffalo out accelerated the a8 . Your only response . "My guess is that the power loadings agree nicely with real life figures." You go on and on abut proof yet you give a guess as evidence ? Except for your contention that the buff was this uber plane in comparison to other ww2 fighters . You contradict every other post you make sometimes you do it right in the same post . You don't insult/name/call . Next line anyone that asks a question is lazy thick headed ignorant . You want facts, you reply with a guess . Well guess what show me the facts that prove buff could out accelerate the a8 . Then post the facts proving me wrong that my contention that it did well only in Finnish hands is wrong . Show me where they were not eliminated by their enemy either to or almost to the last machine .
Oh so it accelerates to fast now I see. Hehe!
Well, have fun testing.
In comparison yes it does . I posted on the other thread I am sure a towering intellect like you remembers the redone test data. With double the horsepower and much much lower drag in the 190 . The brewster should not out accelerate the FW190A8 . Yours is the extraordinary claim not mine . You say it is correct that a 1936 design should out accelerate a 1943 wartime one . I say prove it . Please if you can't respond like an adult , save it for the people that have deluded you into thinking you are funny . No personal attack just prove your outlandish claim
My problem is ,that only in Finn hands ,against the Russians did it do any good at all . One version vs 1 enemy , It is a bad machine . Against anyone else in any other hands it was slaughtered .
"This is exactly what I mean by the clueless and ignorant." Once again a personal attack on something I know is basically right . The word slaughter may not have applied to the dutch , that is a matter of opinion though . Please show me anywhere else that it achieved anything like the Finnish K/D ratio . We both know you can't . Once again you suggest a claim about the plane that is inaccurate and against accepted history . Burden of proof is yours . Wish I could say I am looking forward to a reply on this . We both know it was not successful in any other hands than Finnish ones , against pilots of unequal quality . I wonder if you will suggest end of war German or Soviet pilot quality through out the war was anything other then unequal .
"I didn't call you names. I merely stated a fact. I maybe could have dropped it to you a bit more gently but it wouldn't really change the context in anyway." "This is exactly what I mean by the clueless and ignorant." Both quotes of you . In reply to me . Both in direct contradiction of each other . I assume English is not your native tongue . Yet you write well and speak it so so . I have a hard time thinking you don't understand the definition of the words , for the context they were used in . Yet these two posts suggest you do . So please save the insults for your kids or who ever it is weaker then you that helped you to develop that attitude .Someone has been dishonest with you . Your not funny at all . So please save it and just answer the questions . BTW a psych study done at a near by university about cyber bullying sheds some light on why you act the way you do online . A friend of my daughters who is doing graduate work on it really gave me a chuckle when she analysed your posts in this forum. I should post the profile here , but it would just get skuzzyfied . You make some powerful statements about how you are tired of the ignorant people and their claims . I have seen no one make claims . Just ask questions . Further I have seen you do little to nothing to answer the questions . Well I have more questions and observations to point out . I shall end it here though so as not to be accused of rambling . The two questions are easy to see lets see an answer .
First of all, the burden of proof is with you. I don't have to prove anything or explain anything to you. You made the claim. It is also your job to back it up. Second, an aircraft accelerates with the excess thrust that is at its disposal at any given moment. So when an aircraft is flying at "full throttle" and isn't flying at its top speed it is either climbing or accelerating. So if the climb rates are correct, so is the acceleration. I already stated it in that another thread. A-8s climb data is well known and AH A-8 hits one data set to the mark. Brewster's climb data I've seen is only for the 850hp continious power setting. I haven't personally extrapolated 1000hp figures but the ones Pyro has come up with look very plausible and agree ok with the slope of the 850hp data (see the other thread). If you think something is wrong with the acceleration/climb rate just extrapolate your own climb curve and compare it to the AH climb chart.
Read Tango's reply in the other thread. Also, Tango duplicated your tests and his results considerably differed from yours. Let's just say that I don't have to do the test myself to decide who to believe.

Just because you think Brewster shouldn't accelerate the way it does compared to the A-8 doesn't make it wrong in anyway.
I have never stated that the Brewster was an "uber plane" or anything of the sort. The fact that you think it's one in AH is fairly amusing.

Regarding to the psyco analysis, I am much entertained.

If you don't want to post the profile here, could you send it to me as a private message?

Feel free to check my posting history here for "cyber bullying". At the same time search for "Brewster" from this BB for the past year. It just gets frustrating when people who have practically zero knowledge of the subject matter come here with attitude and their "hunches" and demand information that they should be seeking by themselves if they think something is wrong.
Here's a good example:
http://bbs.hitechcreations.com/smf/index.php/topic,272699.msg3411772.html#msg3411772All in all this post of yours is so way off base and you don't have much logic to your claims. So I don't really see much point trying to get through to you. But please post that profile in a PM, I'd really like to see it.