I went and bought a new GeForce 2 video card, installed it, and now my frame are worse than they were with my old Viper 770 Ultra TNT2.
I installed the drivers in the box, the 21.85's....the CD also had the 21.83's on it. I read Lephturn's post about driver's, tried to install 7.78's, but without success.
I downloaded the Detonator Destroyer, GeForce Tweak Utility, even downloaded the 22.80's from 3DGuru's website.
As a side note, not only AH is affected, my whole system seems to act up since I put this card in. In AH, frame rates start out decent, then it gets choppy the longer I play, finally goes into slideshow mode. Never had this problem with the Viper in place.
As to whole system performance, well, just moving around the desktop is a task sometimes now. The system wants to go real slow even just selecting a bookmark........
I am at a loss here.......anyone got ANY ideas where to start?
My system specs are:
Celeron 700 oc'd to 861mhz
Abit VH-62 mobo
256mb RAM
Visiontek Xtasy 5564 GeForce2 MX400