I was winging with A8Blood and Dunnrite last night. All of us in 51Ds. Habu55 was in a brewster high over our field as we were taking off. He moved out from our field as we climbed out in chase. Once we all were 13/14K he broke into us a to the deck he went. We all took turns swooping in, getting a piece here, a piece there. Him twisting and turning for all it was worth. A 4th 51 joined us taking his swipes as well. Dunnrite augered, Blood augered and the other 51 just plain got spanked down there with him. Next thing I know, a KI84, 109F and 109K4 are diving like crazed beasts on me
I thought Habu did one hell of a job to avoid attacks from every direction, buying him time for help to arrive. It couldn't have been easy because we were coming in a different angles, speeds and directions. One after the other.
It was kind of cool watching that ugly little plane take on the "hoarde" and come out on top. Sometimes, a lot of times, those little turny planes are needed in the game to those tarded pick tards.
<<S>> Habu55. Brewsters rock man