I'm making this thread in response & continuation of this one:
http://bbs.hitechcreations.com/smf/index.php/topic,290074.0.htmlTour 125 was the first full tour with the new Shermans and adjusted damage model. (And it seems the last tour with an unperked (76)w too)
This are the results:
First matrix is showing the K/D ratio between the tanks, the second one is showing the share each type of combat had - for example ~31% of all fights resulting in a kill were M4A376(W) vs M4A376(W), fights between T-34/76 and the M4A3(75) made up only 0.1% of all combats.
But of course, you can't translate the K/D's directly into force ratios for scenarios - For example due to it'S high perk price the Tiger is mostly used defensively, with either supplies at hand or sitting on pavement to enable a quick "landing".
But still, it can give a rough reference of relative tank strengths.