Author Topic: Fishing  (Read 90272 times)

Offline fbWldcat

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« on: July 17, 2010, 01:29:05 PM »
I would like to start a thread. A thread about your fishing stories, memories, tips, hints, favorite catches, how-tos, lakes, etc. Everything about the great past-time of fishing.

I'll start.

Mid-March 2007 me and my dad had planned a trip to Green River Lake near Campbellsville, KY. We were going to fish for monster Muskellunge. We arrived at the marina but weren't there for putting in. We were there for bank fishing in a little cove right next to the marina notorious for lunker bass and huge Muskie. We first went on a Saturday and had no luck, not so much as a nibble, which wasn't surprising with how cold and early in the season it was. We left and came back the next day and began fishing. This was only our second time fishing for Muskie but we knew what lures to fish with. Green, yellow and orange tiger baits.

Much like this design.

I started out using a very deep diving crankbait but kept getting old leaves from the few left on the bank and trees that had gotten into the cove and sunk. I then pulled out a brand new bait. A yellow-orange tiger bait with a smaller bill which gave it about a 4-6' depth. I cast it a few times. Once I cast out and felt the line snag on something under the water. I kept pulling up and felt it give a bit, so I thought it was a small submerged bush under the water. I decided to take the pole and reel in line to pull the bait off. I yanked a few times and it slowly dawned on me that something was slowly jerking back. I lowered the drag and as soon as I did, the Muskie began fighting tremendously. My medium action crappie/walleye gear was squealing and the pole was doubled over. A friend who was there told me I had to keep the line up to prevent the fish from getting slack and being able to get closer to the line for a break. After 10 minutes of playing the fish he finally got close enough to net.

My first Muskellunge was 39 3/4" long. Caught on a QUANTUM medium action pole with a medium sized spin-cast reel. 8lb text Mr. Crappie line   :D
Needless to say you couldn't smack that smile off my face for a week.

I looked at the lure some time later and realized how badly the bait was torn up. Teeth marks everywhere, the front treble had a hook TORN OFF and one other bent. The back treble had a bent hook also.

The fish was mounted with the lure in the same condition I saw it in. Definitely one of my better fishing trips.  :aok

 :cheers: :cheers:

« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 01:30:54 PM by fbWldcat »
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Offline Flench

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2010, 01:44:11 PM »
Very cool . I have a few I will share as well .asap .  :salute
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Offline fbWldcat

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2010, 01:51:08 PM »
Good, I want this to be a huge thread. Anybody with any experience can  post any tips, hints, lakes, advice. Anyone who would like to know more about the great sport and how to catch fish, where to catch fish, anything like that. If you are a beginner, please feel free to ask. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about gear, fish, habitat, seasons, styles, cover, anything. And I'm assuming we will have plenty more people in this thread who will be able to answer questions as well.

 :salute  :cheers:
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Offline Tupac

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2010, 03:12:42 PM »
I had a jellyfish swim up my shorts when I was wade fishing once.

Don't wear shorts when you wade fish
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Offline fbWldcat

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2010, 03:20:37 PM »
More along the lines of how to catch the fish but this is helpful also. Another thing when wade fishing in the ocean, shuffle your feet. It will alert stingrays of your presence and will help prevent you from getting stung.
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"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I: I took the one less traveled by." - Robert Frost
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Offline dkff49

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2010, 03:23:40 PM »
If anyone has any experience with Raystown Lake here is PA, I would appreciate any advise. I have been there trying to catch fish for 3 years and still the only thing we manage to catch are sunnies that are clamoring for the chips that the young ones are throwing in.

I am headed there again the last full week of this month and do have a boat to fish from.
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Offline fbWldcat

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2010, 03:32:40 PM »
If you can, send me a map of the lake and a list of the fish you would like to catch.

If possible send me a map with the depths of the lake as well.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 03:34:24 PM by fbWldcat »
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"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I: I took the one less traveled by." - Robert Frost
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Offline fbWldcat

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2010, 04:09:00 PM »
Nevermind about the map of the lake, all I needed to know was the average depth. I found it. I just need to know what you are fishing for and I'll be able to give you at least 2 paragraphs of how to catch anything except sucker or pickerel.
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Offline dkff49

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2010, 04:12:47 PM »

I would say that the average depth is 50-60 feet with some areas going as deep as 160ft. I have maps that show depths over a map of the area prior to the lake filling up. Using the map from above we usually tie up in the coves around H1 and H2. Unfortunately where we tie up is partly out of my hands since we go with the in-laws and my wife is pretty adamant about staying with them. :(

As far as what type of fish I really have no real preference but like to fish for cats, bass, and even carp.

I have read in many places that Raystown is one of harder lakes to catch fish in and of course my experience has also taught me the same. Much of the research I have done pointed to netting local fish to use as bait. Specifically they list alewives smelt, and gizzard shad. This is not as much an option for me as this is mostly a family trip and I am real sure that I am not going to get the fam out on the water with me to try to net bait fish.

What I have done is purchased some of the short and fat shad hoping that they will resemble the local fish enough to at least get a few strikes.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 04:22:20 PM by dkff49 »
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Offline fbWldcat

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2010, 04:56:34 PM »
I find that fish is fish. Alewives bought from the store are the same thing netted in the lake.

Catfish- At night, morning-midmorning, and at dusk will come into the shallows to feed. Catfishing is a monotonous job requiring patience and know-how. First, you need to have the right equipment.
>A Medium to heavy action rod
>An assortment of catfish hooks which includes but isn't limited to Treble hooks, Circle hooks, off-shank octopus hooks, etc.
>A good reel with good fishing line (At least 20lb test) from a reputable brand (Berkley, Trilene, Spiderwire, Cajun Line, etc). Add a barrel swivel which will prevent the line from twisting and snapping easier.
>A variety of sinkers (Dipsey swivel, bank sinkers and egg sinkers are most common).

Next is bait

>Chicken Livers
>Eagleclaw Catfish Nitro Biscuits

>>>CATALPA WORMS which are by far one of the best baits I have come across for big catfish.
(Bring along cheese-cloth, you can apply some around your bait so it doesn't slip off or get nibbled away by the fish).

Fish for catfish in the shallows at night, either at points, small-medium sized coves or during the day at sheer rocky drop-offs. For night fishing it is reasonable to have a glowing/light-up bobber or an alert bell on the tip of your rod.

Bass- the most popular freshwater sportfish in North America.
Smallmouth bass- a bronze colored bass which is a very very mean fighter. Will strike crawdads, minnows and bucktail spinnerbaits. Sometimes worms can tempt a bite. Fish for them in the early morning or late evening around coves, underwater humps, rocky areas with cover.* Drop-offs are very good smallie cover. Medium action rod with 10lb+ line is my preference.

Largemouth-Largemouth Bass are one of my favorite fish to catch. Fish in and around stick-ups, underwater humps, around vegetation and points. In low-light or murky water use a brighter bait or something with flash/ noise such as a nice spinnerbait (I prefer golden willow blade spinnerbaits myself).
In high-light conditions fish with a darker color or a bronze-rust colored bait even. A bombshell for bass is to fish with shiners (if allowed, check lake regulations). Tie on a Circlehook and hook the shiner in the lips. Throw it out and allow the fish to swim freely (use a loop knot for a more natural presentation). Fish plenty of cover. Medium-light/Medium action rod with 10lb+ line is my preference.

Carp are notorious bottom feeders and often times grass carp are illegal to harvest. The Common Carp and the Asian Carp (Kill the Asian Carp IMMEDIATELY, it is a nuisance species, but check regulations, PA might be different from KY). Best bet is to use doughballs.**
A Carolina rig with a barrel swivel and an egg sinker with a small long-shank hook is how I like to catch them.
Carp put up a MONSTER fight, you need a medium-heavy/Heavy action rod and I recommend at least 25lb+ line to tangle with these guys.
Fish Shallow, warm and weeded areas.

*-Cover refers to any place where fish can hide from predators, the sun or protect their eggs during the spawn. This includes vegetation, rocks, stumps, cattails, submerged logs, trees and bushes. Cover can also refer to a place where predators hide in wait to ambush baitfish.

2 cups of flour
1 package of pudding mix
1/4 cup of corn meal
A few drops of red dye or enough to make it pink.
Enough water to be able to have a nice doughy consistencey (knead the dough for a while to get plenty of air in it and make it not so dissolvable).
OPTIONAL: add strawberry flavoring to the dough.
When time comes to fish, apply the dough to hook (you can use a treble for this, it is much better) check hook every 8 minutes or so when the bait has dissolved. Reapply when necessary.

There ya go, bud, enjoy!
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Offline 1sum41

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2010, 05:11:21 PM »
i found a good catfish bait to use is danny kings (i pefer blood). wildcat i dont know if you have used it before but i get fish every time i use it.

Offline fbWldcat

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2010, 05:32:19 PM »
i found a good catfish bait to use is danny kings (i pefer blood). wildcat i dont know if you have used it before but i get fish every time i use it.

Just looked it up, sounds like an impressive bait. I'll have to try it sometime.
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"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I: I took the one less traveled by." - Robert Frost
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Offline fbWldcat

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2010, 06:55:17 PM »
By the way, I'm going to start trying Walleye fishing. Does anyone know a good combo I can buy for them? I have heard great things about medium action rods with 6lb test but those are just rumors.
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Offline Flench

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2010, 09:13:57 PM »
Sorry but Shad gut's is the best catfish bait there is and if it's a yellow cat you need bream or I use goldfish .
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Offline fbWldcat

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Re: Fishing
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2010, 11:14:47 PM »
Sorry but Shad gut's is the best catfish bait there is and if it's a yellow cat you need bream or I use goldfish .

Sorry, cut the head off a Catalpa worm and skew it so that it turns inside-out on the hook and it's green innards are showing (graphic, I know, God forbid  :D ). Throw it out and wait for the strike  :t
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"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I: I took the one less traveled by." - Robert Frost
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