Only reason I asked is that since the first mossie arrived in december of '42, and the 109G2 saw a bit of use in '42, and that it isn't TOO great of a stretch to sub a 190A5 for a 190A1.
Did the same guy who wrote that... write this?
There does seem to be some issues in implementation of scenarios though. This could be a perceived issue, caused by the substitutions for planes and GV's we don't have.
The mossie was in the original writeup I did (back in 2008) as a substitute for the Beaufighter. It is out of the OOB at this time. IF we get the Beaufighter before the event runs, we will look at adding it.
We are merging Nefari's "Fire over Malta" with a new scenario based around the Pedestal Convoy of August 1942... a 3 day battle coincidently.
There were no 190As involved in the fighting in July and August 1942 over Malta and Sicily.
The planes we are looking at substitutes for are the Fairy Fulmer, the Wellington and the Sea Hurricane (with and without cannons). The Axis are good to go with their planeset, although some C79s and HE111s would be a nice addition if they show up.
I am curious if people would consider flying the Hurricane IIC from carriers with the difficulty in landing without a tail hook.
As always thanks for the interest.