I've seen what great replies Muzzy's been getting in his threads, so I decided to start one to get some advice/help from the community.
I'm pretty new to AH. I flew a bit back in 2002, but was never a great fighter pilot. Most of what I used to know and/or be able to do seems to be gone, so I'm trying to start over and build my ACM skills.
Last night I was cruising around at about 18K in a 190D, and I spot a high P47 (turned out to be an P47M). He shows 3.0K as he passes above me, so I assume this means 3000 yards (or meters?), so he must be up in the mid 20s. He sort of shadows me around a bit, but doesn't come down for a while. I make a couple of boom and zoom passes on folks lower, and notice that the 47 is finally making a run at me. He's diving on my 6, about 1.0k out.
What do I do? I have been mostly flying spitfires lately, and I felt like I could handle the situation pretty well there, since I can turn hard enough to try to defeat his guns solution, but in the 190 (which I am unfamiliar with), I wasn't sure that I could turn tight enough to really give him much trouble, and if I can, will I bleed too much energy such that it puts me in bad shape for his subsequent passes.
As it happened, I avoided his first pass (broke into him, and slightly low, then tried to extend away from him, and keep my speed up) , but as he came around, the second time and I tried a similar maneuver, he pinged me up pretty well (pilot wounded, and some control surface damage).
I'm sure I could have handled it better. Sadly, I was not filming, but given my inexperience in the game, and in the 190, I'm not sure the film would show much more than some poor flying on my part.
So my general question is: In this situation (15-18K altitude, my 190D vs a P47M with a pretty substantial energy advantage), what should my "plan" be? Can I fly in such a way that I can try to equalize the situation?