How's about a new style of attack?
The Rammkommando or Sonderkommando "ELBE." which in fact, they were not Japanese style kamikaze. Their task was to ram enemy plane and bail out just prior to the impact. But instead of dying on impact you survive, determening if you bail out in time.
Suggest you read "The Last Flight of the Luftwaffe-The Suicide Attack on the Eighth Air Force, 7 April 1945" by Adrian Weir
Kind of a useless exercise on the part of the Luftwaffe. One attempt to stop the 8th, lost far more then they shot down.
Seems like a waste of coding time based on the worthlessness of the effort. 120 planes up, many never found the bombers. For possible 13 bombers out of 1200, they lost over 50 planes and 40 pilots killed.
I'd rather HTC modeled the Beaufighter