Author Topic: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!  (Read 6534 times)

Offline LLogann

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #45 on: October 27, 2010, 07:50:07 AM »
Does nobody else smell what I smell?   :headscratch:   A very nice young man..........  Congrats, you passed the background check!   :salute

And he even gave us a shout out:
Quote from: Chickenrandomness
i don't think many BYCers know about Fly Aces High except for my constant blabber about it. here is a link to their website:
lol, i use the same user name on the Aces High fourm & here!
i bet Q9 would like Aces High!

Now go mow some lawns!

As for offline...... UNINSTALL the game, reinstall it.  Then, don't mess with arena settings yourself and download some "Offline Missions."  Play those in offline mode and you'll learn more than just the regular offline maps.

Offline Missions:,410.0.html

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Offline Chickenrandomness

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #46 on: October 27, 2010, 08:03:15 AM »
Does nobody else smell what I smell?   :headscratch:   A very nice young man..........  Congrats, you passed the background check!   :salute

And he even gave us a shout out:
Now go mow some lawns!

As for offline...... UNINSTALL the game, reinstall it.  Then, don't mess with arena settings yourself and download some "Offline Missions."  Play those in offline mode and you'll learn more than just the regular offline maps.

Offline Missions:,410.0.html

i would kow lawns if there wasn't 8 inches of snow outside right now!  :lol i will try shoveling drive ways one i get my snow blower from my old house in MN

Offline ap1102

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #47 on: October 27, 2010, 09:13:40 AM »
Although I agree in spirit in you wanting to play so bad I DO NOT agree with you going behind your parents back to get what you want. As a parent myself it would cause me great concern if people I dont know were encouraging my child to do something I told them not too.  I don't know your home situation. Do your folks have your best interest at heart and dont want you online due to interference with your school work? Or are there other issues at work we dont know about?
 I think what you are proposing is violating a trust between you and your folks. If you want to look good in their eyes I think the earned allowance and priveleges idea was the best. Look them in the eye and tell them what you would like to do. Explain it in a mature adult way and you may be surprised what they may allow. Do it another way and you only invite trouble. Its all part of being an adult which you will be soon enough, better get busy practicing.


Offline Chickenrandomness

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #48 on: October 27, 2010, 09:46:24 AM »
Although I agree in spirit in you wanting to play so bad I DO NOT agree with you going behind your parents back to get what you want. As a parent myself it would cause me great concern if people I dont know were encouraging my child to do something I told them not too.  I don't know your home situation. Do your folks have your best interest at heart and dont want you online due to interference with your school work? Or are there other issues at work we dont know about?
 I think what you are proposing is violating a trust between you and your folks. If you want to look good in their eyes I think the earned allowance and priveleges idea was the best. Look them in the eye and tell them what you would like to do. Explain it in a mature adult way and you may be surprised what they may allow. Do it another way and you only invite trouble. Its all part of being an adult which you will be soon enough, better get busy practicing.

i'm going to talk to my parents about being able to send money via mail. i told my mo, but she was on the computer so she didn't say much.

Offline jimson

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #49 on: October 27, 2010, 10:24:18 AM »
I think the first thing you should do is get your computer straightened out and find out why you can't run offline missions, Lot's of help available here, in the help and training forum and off line mission forum.

Once you can do that, practice flying offline missions for a while, then when you have some basic skills and want to go online, contact HTC, tell them you never got your 2 week trial. This will help you make the most of your free two weeks then you can try to get your folks permission to subscribe.

Offline Wildcat1

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #50 on: October 27, 2010, 01:09:33 PM »
I think the first thing you should do is get your computer straightened out and find out why you can't run offline missions, Lot's of help available here, in the help and training forum and off line mission forum.

Once you can do that, practice flying offline missions for a while, then when you have some basic skills and want to go online, contact HTC, tell them you never got your 2 week trial. This will help you make the most of your free two weeks then you can try to get your folks permission to subscribe.

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Offline ROX

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #51 on: October 27, 2010, 02:41:57 PM »
What jimsom said.

When I was a kid (back in the Dark Ages when there was no internet, no computers, and color TV was a novelty) I was a newly licenced ham radio operator.  I built many of the necessities myself, but even then components, PC boards, tubes (yes tubes), wire, and solder cost money.  I did not expect my parents to support my "habit" so I did everything I could to make my own cash.

Mowing lawns paid good (even WAY better now), raking leaves, planing strawberries at local farms in the Spring, babysitting, and doing manual labor for the neighbors (I used to bust up concrete with a sledge hammer for $2.15 an hour) brought cash back then and still does.

Being that you are computer savvy, you can type up and print school reports for other students, make simple web sites..all pay ok but it all adds up.

Hone your skills vs the offline AI and practice bombing and divebombing offline while you earn your way to your own AH.  Last I heard HTC offered some sort of discount incentive for buying 6 months in advance with a check or money order.

Good luck and I hope to see you in game.


Offline Vudak

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #52 on: October 28, 2010, 12:02:11 PM »
To be honest with you chickenrandomness, as fun as this game can be, you are so much better saving your money so that you can put bigger down payments on life requirements later on (or, ideally, pay for them in cash).

If you can't find a way to entertain yourself for free at 13, I have no idea what you're going to do at 23, or 33.

It's your life, but boy, if I coulda done it all over again...

Edit - did...  did I just become "old?"
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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #53 on: October 28, 2010, 12:47:43 PM »
welcome! my suggestion to you is to find a way to earn money (my first job was mowing my neighbor's lawn at age 14), and pay the subscription yourself.

also, check the training section of the forums, there's loads of great info from a number of fine gents. believe me, there is not much you can learn from slow-moving planes flying in a loose continuous circle.

when i first started playing online, i was blown away at the vast expanses of knowledge that i did not know, so just sit back and take advice. and listen quietly! no one likes an annoying squeaker (not pointing at you, but it does happen a lot).

if and when you do jump online, try to find myself or "BAR321" on bishops, and we'd be glad to let you fly with our squad (20th FG "Loco Busters") and teach you everything we know. but read everything you can on the trainers site and take advice from anyone who offers it (just dont fall for the "alt-f4" trick :lol)

good luck in your search for subscription money sir :salute
leave it to wildcat to promote the squad :lol good luck with everything lil dude :aok
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Offline Chickenrandomness

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #54 on: November 07, 2010, 04:49:44 PM »
ug, my life is crumbling..... i got banned for 2 wks off of my FAVORITE fourm, & i got in an arguement with my best friend (over facebook) and she deleated me as a friend!!!!  :confused:  :cry  :(

Offline LLogann

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #55 on: November 07, 2010, 04:54:58 PM »
Is this not your favorite forum?  I haven't seen you be like me (a habitual banned person)

ug, my life is crumbling..... i got banned for 2 wks off of my FAVORITE fourm, & i got in an arguement with my best friend (over facebook) and she deleated me as a friend!!!!  :confused:  :cry  :(
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Offline JimmyC

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #56 on: November 07, 2010, 04:56:36 PM »
time to it now when your young...
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Offline Chickenrandomness

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #57 on: November 07, 2010, 05:17:30 PM »
Is this not your favorite forum?  I haven't seen you be like me (a habitual banned person)

my favorite fourm is when ever i'm on the computer, i at least have it up on a tab or another window. lol, at least i know i'm not the only one that has gotten banned on a fourm!

Offline LLogann

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #58 on: November 07, 2010, 05:18:45 PM »
So let me get this straight...................    You farm chickens?

I did a little research since you made mention of it........... It's a very midwest website.

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Offline Chickenrandomness

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Re: Hi! i'm new to the fourms!
« Reply #59 on: November 07, 2010, 05:20:24 PM »
So let me get this straight...................    You farm chickens?

I did a little research since you made mention of it........... It's a very midwest website.

i do arm then, i have 5 as pets, & i will be getting more soon! sadly, the fourm won't let me log out of my account so i can't even check whats been going on