tell you what, you wanna gripe about the full body scan well here is what you do.
go find the children of any of the people who were on flight 93 on 9/11/01 and tell them to their faces that, you would happily let their parents die once again because your modesty and personal convenience is more important to you than the lives of the potentially thousands of others who could be killed by another hijacking. i am certain that they will completely agree with you and your pathetic suit that your gonna file against the TSA because you were made to feel momentarily uncomfortable.
now i am most certainly not the prime example of a great American "citizen", but at the end of the day i am an AMERICAN and the want to ensure the safety of my countrymen/women/CHILDREN far exceeds my modesty or want to avoid momentary and MINOR discomforts. i would rather be publically strip searched than to have to ever again look at this
if your unhappy with the airport security in America you are more than welcome to move to a country that has less stringent standards..........
I hear Iran is pretty lax on airport security.