Wmaker is too smart to be trolled on the bbs.
Well, you might be wrong unfortunately.
I'm not master with this cute smack talk that some people here like to participate in. MickyD is definately better there I guess. Personally I just find it retarded and embarassing in general. Seems to be the norm nowadays though (been for years actually).
I had absolutely no problems with MickyD prior to this day. Never really had ran into him before I guess. Well, he truly showed his colours today. I had quite a long AH-session today and no matter how MickyD died, he always had a big problem with the way he was killed. Everyone knows the usual excuses. This whole PM-mess started as he told me not to "HO" in the middle of a fight in a PM. Our noses crossed in a vertical pass and I certainly pulled the trigger.
I want to say now that I have
nothing against HOing in particular no matter who does it, myself included. I have never whined about it and never will. Certainly been pissed off about HOs...to myself because I let someone get me that easily. Only problem with HO I see is that it is usually a very poor and hazardous tactic. Anyways, as the fight ended (I got shot down in a HO/front quarter shot in 2 vs 1 in our VH bases ack, doesn't matter)....
I had shot him down during the night and stayed quiet but then as he continued his "owned this, owned that" after that mentioned incident, he got a reaction out of me. Very stupid to let myself get provoked like that...almost as stupid as starting a thread like this about it. In those PMs I tried to explain to him that doesn't he remember when he "Ho'ed" but is now asking me not to do it? ...
"Don't whine, you got owned".....or similar followed.
I see MickyD as a prototype of a typical mouthy MA-mouth. I mean a basic hypocrite and a flat out liar in the end, someone who is utterly blind to any "mischief" he does himself but when shot down, he right away accuses others of these same things that he indeed does himself aswell all the time. Unfortunately the MAs have been full of the likes of him for years.
Hopefully Skuzzy wipes this whole thing clean, this kind of childish drama crap on the BBS is utterly retarded.