Author Topic: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....  (Read 10244 times)

Offline EagleDNY

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #150 on: November 29, 2010, 09:33:18 PM »
1.  Bring back, or actually create, a strategic game to go along with all the furballing.  Some of us actually like BOMBING, and the furballers would probably like it if we had something other than Bases and the CVs to bomb.
2.  To facilitate #1, we need new maps with actual strategic targets worth hitting.  I'm talking like a 25 mile square sector that is ALL city, factories, HQ, with bridges, trains, convoys, etc.  as valid targets for bombing and ground attack.  A few years ago when HTC was working on their AI missions for AH, they showed us a demo map that was perfect for this... whatever happened to it??  The strategic center of each country should be heavily defended (surrounded by airfields, radar and puffy ack sites so that we might have a little REALISM from time to time.
3.  MISSIONS - this game benefits from having missions put up.  It would benefit from having a system where you can click on the missions tab and "request a mission" - missions could come in various flavers - "bomb a particular target", "fighter sweep over an airfield", "destroy radar site in sector x,y", etc.  Give bonus perks for completing a mission, and you can use the missions system to help train newbies.  I know many folks around here think of newbies as something akin to sewer dirt, but online games survive by adding new players - providing missions they can do on their own, and perhaps adding your "trainers" as mission runners will help get the newbies into the game and lead to better player retention.
4.  Perkies and ENY - EVERY ride should have a price - even if it is only a few perk points.  Bring it home pilot, or pay the price for it.  This can be used with the ENY system so that instead of preventing people from upping rides when the sides become unbalanced, you use it as a MULTIPLIER and charge more perks points for the ride.  For example, if we set a P-51D as a 10 point ride normally, it might be 20 or 25 points to take one up as the sides become unbalanced.  Couple this with the mission system, and perkies become worth something as you will continually be earning and spending them. 
5.  Radar - more realistic information please.  Dot dar is nice, but their is no height finding built in - we need some kind of system that will tell us if incoming contacts are high or low.  This facilitates ACTION as people can actually up and try to intercept incoming raids.  Something akin to being able to click on a sector with a dar bar and get a report back that shows "10+ large contacts, altitude 15K+ and climbing", or "3 small contacts around 5K" gives you enough game info to get a interception going. 

Offline Sonicblu

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #151 on: November 29, 2010, 10:27:10 PM »
Just let us go back to seeing the game through the eyes of a noob.

It,s was fun, no exhilarating just to get the chance to try to shoot someone down. Or joining a mission and taking off with 25 other guys all out to bomb a base into oblivion.

We didn't care about hoes, damage models or getting picked. It was how fast can I get a new plane in the air.

 :salute :salute :salute :salute :salute :salute :salute :salute :salute :salute :airplane: :airplane: :airplane:

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #152 on: November 30, 2010, 01:39:34 AM »
1.  Bring back, or actually create, a strategic game to go along with all the furballing.  Some of us actually like BOMBING, and the furballers would probably like it if we had something other than Bases and the CVs to bomb.
2.  To facilitate #1, we need new maps with actual strategic targets worth hitting.  I'm talking like a 25 mile square sector that is ALL city, factories, HQ, with bridges, trains, convoys, etc.  as valid targets for bombing and ground attack.  A few years ago when HTC was working on their AI missions for AH, they showed us a demo map that was perfect for this... whatever happened to it??  The strategic center of each country should be heavily defended (surrounded by airfields, radar and puffy ack sites so that we might have a little REALISM from time to time.
3.  MISSIONS - this game benefits from having missions put up.  It would benefit from having a system where you can click on the missions tab and "request a mission" - missions could come in various flavers - "bomb a particular target", "fighter sweep over an airfield", "destroy radar site in sector x,y", etc.  Give bonus perks for completing a mission, and you can use the missions system to help train newbies.  I know many folks around here think of newbies as something akin to sewer dirt, but online games survive by adding new players - providing missions they can do on their own, and perhaps adding your "trainers" as mission runners will help get the newbies into the game and lead to better player retention.
4.  Perkies and ENY - EVERY ride should have a price - even if it is only a few perk points.  Bring it home pilot, or pay the price for it.  This can be used with the ENY system so that instead of preventing people from upping rides when the sides become unbalanced, you use it as a MULTIPLIER and charge more perks points for the ride.  For example, if we set a P-51D as a 10 point ride normally, it might be 20 or 25 points to take one up as the sides become unbalanced.  Couple this with the mission system, and perkies become worth something as you will continually be earning and spending them. 
5.  Radar - more realistic information please.  Dot dar is nice, but their is no height finding built in - we need some kind of system that will tell us if incoming contacts are high or low.  This facilitates ACTION as people can actually up and try to intercept incoming raids.  Something akin to being able to click on a sector with a dar bar and get a report back that shows "10+ large contacts, altitude 15K+ and climbing", or "3 small contacts around 5K" gives you enough game info to get a interception going. 

+1 :aok

I like this but I don't want people to know alt. - not for MY benefit because, frankly my dear, I just don't give a damn. lol. But because they would just fly away and try to out climb each other. It happens when they see each other in person, why make it worse?
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.


Offline EagleDNY

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #153 on: November 30, 2010, 06:37:41 PM »
Well, not EVERYBODY is a pickin' alt monkey.  Some of the best fights I've seen were trying to stop hi-altitude buff raids in FSO.  Being able to identify a large hi-alt buff raid means that I can get a group together for interception.  Since the buff leader knows this, and knows that his fat load of hi-alt buffs can be identified from a long way off, he might want to take a bunch of escorts with him.  Theoretically anyway, this could lead to some hi-alt action that isn't just a bunch of guys trying to catch the hi-alt buffs after they have been sighted visually.  There isn't anything actually WRONG with high altitude - an awful lot of fighting used to take place around 25K, and the differing performance of various rides up that high might make for some interesting action. 

$.02 more

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #154 on: November 30, 2010, 08:12:08 PM »
Well, not EVERYBODY is a pickin' alt monkey.  Some of the best fights I've seen were trying to stop hi-altitude buff raids in FSO.  Being able to identify a large hi-alt buff raid means that I can get a group together for interception.  Since the buff leader knows this, and knows that his fat load of hi-alt buffs can be identified from a long way off, he might want to take a bunch of escorts with him.  Theoretically anyway, this could lead to some hi-alt action that isn't just a bunch of guys trying to catch the hi-alt buffs after they have been sighted visually.  There isn't anything actually WRONG with high altitude - an awful lot of fighting used to take place around 25K, and the differing performance of various rides up that high might make for some interesting action. 

$.02 more

s much as i like to have my low alt fights, i've had 38j vs 38j against oldman, and rvflyer.....both started around 20k alt. had one against a spit9 i think it was....also around 20k alt. all co-alt merges. all super slow motion it felt like too. massive fun. very different feel way up there, compared to 2k alt.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline Dadsguns

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #155 on: December 01, 2010, 07:22:07 AM »
In a Nut Shell, The only Fix is to the player mentality of a tactic and how it is used.

The game is not broke, it is not favored either way.  Players must simply get out of their comfort zone and learn the other aspects of the game beside the consistant noe tactic that HT has placed as a catalyst to attract the new players.  Your not only seeing new players but a few of old timers still doing this, progress has become stagnant in their development in this game and continue to breed this easy mentality.

To get out and learn some ACM helps everyone, it promotes growth for the game, not only in your ability but quality of fights for everyone which improves the health of the game, it gives that new guy a goal to aspire to do instead of what has been and still is ridiculously easy, noe hording.

Some will say its too hard to noe, or too hard to take a town, I call BS!!  Its just as easy as it ever was you just cant do it with 3 people anymore, you have to do it with even more. Super Hordes. That's the next issue, how to fix Super Hordes, local eny would do that but thats another discussion later and totally dependant on player behavior.

So now the only problem there is to complain about is players that choose NOT to police themselves and instead participate in what is easy, the super horde noe, that cares less about the health and welfare of the game but their own selfish need to roll a base as easy as HT can allow it, the same selfish whack o mole players that wants nothing to do with development of the game or oneself, but to take the easiest route with the littlest of conflict for the maximum amount of reward in whatever way they define that.  

How does that help the game and the community again?

Remember, the fight isnt about the quantity of a fight but the quality of a fight.  Nobody is advocating getting rid of the practice of noe, its more about advocating knowing when to use it responsibly as one of the tools in the tool bag and not the fix all, end all, means of running missions of which it has become.


« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 07:28:40 AM by Dadsguns »

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Offline Wiley

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #156 on: December 01, 2010, 09:51:43 AM »
In a Nut Shell, The only Fix is to the player mentality of a tactic and how it is used.

The game is not broke, it is not favored either way.  Players must simply get out of their comfort zone and learn the other aspects of the game beside the consistant noe tactic that HT has placed as a catalyst to attract the new players.  Your not only seeing new players but a few of old timers still doing this, progress has become stagnant in their development in this game and continue to breed this easy mentality.

I think a lot of people read too much of a plan into stuff.  I don't think having a minimum radar height was specifically designed as something for new guys to do, but rather because it's there people gravitate toward it.  People like to succeed.  The vast majority of people also like to find the path of least resistance to success.  Why make it harder for yourself than it has to be?

When you're dogfighting, it would be silly to limit yourself to only using 50% throttle at the most, and only roll to the right.  However, a lot of people seem to expect the land grabbers to do exactly that, artificially limit themselves in game where they could be doing more to increase their chance of success.

NOE has 2 things going for it-  First, it generally produces less defense because of the surprise factor, and increases the chance for success.  Second, it's convenient.  People don't have to 'waste time' getting to altitude and going in, they can up and head direct to target, which apparently is appealing.

Some will say its too hard to noe, or too hard to take a town, I call BS!!  Its just as easy as it ever was you just cant do it with 3 people anymore, you have to do it with even more. Super Hordes. That's the next issue, how to fix Super Hordes, local eny would do that but thats another discussion later and totally dependant on player behavior.

The only "problem" with hording is that nobody seems to want to put up an organized defense against it.  My favorite times in the game, bar none, are with my squad going into the largest bar dar we can find.  We don't always live to land our kills, but we do have a heck of a good time getting kills and working on wing tactics.  For some reason what happens more often than not though, is two hordes will clash, and one of them will pretty much immediately die out, leaving the few guys who wanted to stick it out to be constantly outnumbered until the horde gets over a field, generating a vulchfest.

The problem is not that there's a horde there, the problem is there aren't enough numbers choosing to oppose it.

So now the only problem there is to complain about is players that choose NOT to police themselves and instead participate in what is easy, the super horde noe, that cares less about the health and welfare of the game but their own selfish need to roll a base as easy as HT can allow it, the same selfish whack o mole players that wants nothing to do with development of the game or oneself, but to take the easiest route with the littlest of conflict for the maximum amount of reward in whatever way they define that. 

How does that help the game and the community again?

The same could be said about the people who don't oppose the horde.  They get shot down once, and head off to find easier prey.  How does that help the game and the community again?

Remember, the fight isnt about the quantity of a fight but the quality of a fight. you.  Not everybody enjoys the same parts of the game.  I happen to like multiple on multiple engagements.  I get my 'Walter Mitty' moments from being on one side of two hordes clashing with many planes and people of widely varying skill levels.  That's what takes the game beyond an XBox game, the sheer number of other humans at work in my vicinity.

Nobody is advocating getting rid of the practice of noe, its more about advocating knowing when to use it responsibly as one of the tools in the tool bag and not the fix all, end all, means of running missions of which it has become.

Nobody is advocating getting rid of the practice of using full throttle when you're fighting and need to go fast, it's more about advocating knowing when to use it responsibly as one of the tools in the tool bag and not the fix all, end all means of going fast it has become.

...Sounds pretty silly doesn't it?  When you wish to insert a nail into a board, you do not do anything fancy.  You grab a hammer, and pound it in.

The heart of the problem is, there were a lot of people that enjoyed being able to feel like they had an effect on the game by taking a few (operative word, few) of their casual buddies and go take a base.  A half dozen heavy fighters and a goon were all it took to take out the town.

It didn't require that everybody have the town map memorized with specific points to drop bombs for maximum building destruction coverage.  They were able to just go in, drop their bombs, fire their rockets, and gun down the few remaining buildings.  They felt like they'd made a difference, and maybe a few guys upped to fight.  A nice piece of bite size fun, it didn't take hours of planning or multitudes of people.  Heck, half the guys could be drunk, and still be able to pull it off.

The problem is, a base that's reasonably takable by the above mentioned group of casual guys is completely trivial for a horde of 15 or 20.  This becomes the path of least resistance, hence why it becomes popular.

As it stands now, the town requires one of two things, either a few guys that have put in the time to memorize the town layout and figure out where to drop their bombs for maximum effect and some escorts, or large numbers.  One of those options is far more common and easier to find in the arena.

The other problem with the arena is, the maps were designed with the old setup in mind, under the new setup bases take way more effort and time to roll, making it more difficult to win the war.

Although I'm not much of a landgrabber, I personally think it's far better for the game to have that option available to them, and live with the fact that hordes and NOEs can do it 'too easily' than to remove the option and force people who don't find it fun to diagram the town and have specific assigned targets to do so.

I personally think Hitech's response in this thread is a really reasonable one.  I'm looking forward to seeing how those changes work.  The only other arena tweak that I think would be beneficial is the often mentioned 150 foot radar limit, but the inability to use autopilot below 151 feet.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline HighGTrn

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #157 on: December 01, 2010, 12:00:18 PM »
Sorry if this has already been suggested as I only had a chance to read the first couple of pages.

I think going to 2 countries vs. 3 would be of benefit for everyone. For the furballers, this means that everyone playing will be engaging 100% of the possible target pool. With three countries, each side is missing out on 33% of the possible participants. I think that's why tank island and fighter town was/is so popular. Everyone is so close in proximity that it virtually allows a player to engage 100% of the total possible adversary set.

For the base capture guys, it allows for more possible participants to add to the horde and you possibly can go from a base capture to a huge fight potential.

The only decision left then is which country to eliminate. I say you start from the outside of the chess board and work in... Sorry rooks.  :neener:
in game call sign: S1n1ster

Offline gpwurzel

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #158 on: December 01, 2010, 01:44:32 PM »
Personally, I think we should get rid of the Queens - they are responsible for so much of this drama.

(ok, Back to work)

I'm the worst pilot ingame ya know!!!

It's all unrealistic crap requested by people who want pie in the sky actions performed without an understanding of how things work and who can't grasp reality.


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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #159 on: December 01, 2010, 01:45:31 PM »
In a Nut Shell, The only Fix is to the player mentality of a tactic and how it is used.

The game is not broke, it is not favored either way.  Players must simply get out of their comfort zone and learn the other aspects of the game beside the consistant noe tactic that HT has placed as a catalyst to attract the new players.  Your not only seeing new players but a few of old timers still doing this, progress has become stagnant in their development in this game and continue to breed this easy mentality.

To get out and learn some ACM helps everyone, it promotes growth for the game, not only in your ability but quality of fights for everyone which improves the health of the game, it gives that new guy a goal to aspire to do instead of what has been and still is ridiculously easy, noe hording.

Some will say its too hard to noe, or too hard to take a town, I call BS!!  Its just as easy as it ever was you just cant do it with 3 people anymore, you have to do it with even more. Super Hordes. That's the next issue, how to fix Super Hordes, local eny would do that but thats another discussion later and totally dependant on player behavior.

So now the only problem there is to complain about is players that choose NOT to police themselves and instead participate in what is easy, the super horde noe, that cares less about the health and welfare of the game but their own selfish need to roll a base as easy as HT can allow it, the same selfish whack o mole players that wants nothing to do with development of the game or oneself, but to take the easiest route with the littlest of conflict for the maximum amount of reward in whatever way they define that.  

How does that help the game and the community again?

Remember, the fight isnt about the quantity of a fight but the quality of a fight.  Nobody is advocating getting rid of the practice of noe, its more about advocating knowing when to use it responsibly as one of the tools in the tool bag and not the fix all, end all, means of running missions of which it has become.


Players simply arent going to police themselves. You've been around long enough to see what goes on to realize that as a point of obviousness. Its a nice thought. But unfortunately its never going to happen.

What can be done is the addition of interesting things for people to do. that can encourage the players to play a different way. If you put in something and make it  interesting. Folks will start doing it. That is why I will continually push for more strat type targets (factories) that actually have a direct impact on the game.  But its gotta be interesting for both sides. both sides have to have a stake in it for it to be interesting enough for both sides to take part in both attacking AND defending.

Our new and wonderfully rendered strat targets are a great example. At first they generated alot of interest so people hit them..alot. But with no real tangable effect on gameplay. That interest has since waned considerably. First for the defenders. then for the attackers. Defenders for the most part dont bother trying to stop these raids because they have nothing to loose if they get hit. Attackers dont bother hitting them often because they dont really do much other then just blow up.
which makes them less then interesting.
Now if both sides had a real stake in the strats. For the attacker it would mean the defending side loses something for a period of time. They would be more likely to attack them. And if the defender stands to loose something they may rather not loose. Well now you have every reason to try and up and stop it in numbers.
It becomes interesting and stays interesting. Right now they just arent that interesting

Problem is Virtually any changes that are made to make things more challenging. Only promotes the super-horde. But the changes that have been made seem to be doing little to promote the superfight, When two hordes collide. Particularly since once any kind of serious resistance is met by the attacking horde. The horde goes someplace else the easiest path. This is another reason why I support plane limits on bases. It would break up the superhorde into a  wider front making defending against such attacks both more easily recognizable and more manageable to defend against. Which should encourage more people to move to defend against it. You would have more fights on a larger front rather then just one big blob that people take one look at call out for help and say "screw dat" when nobody else shows up.

It would also make things more interesting when planning missions as it would require a bit more thought in planning and coordination then "ok everyone up A-15 climb to 15K and lets just gangbang our way in".

I have no problem with the lowering of the dar. At its new lower setting I can still fly a 262 over just about any terrain at full speed and still not create a dar bar. I know its possible because I've done it. If it can be done in a 262. You can do it in other planes as well.

I would however like to see a chain of radar rings outside the fields similar to what they had as a sort of early warning radar that coud be taken out to create a break in the radar chain. I think that too would also make things a bit more interesting. To clarify. Not in place of field dar. But in addition to field dar.

Players arent going to just police themselves. Things have to be implemented to encourage gameplay. You do that by making things not necessarily harder. But more interesting. If you make things interesting. People will be more inclined to willingly participate then then complain about it.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 01:53:49 PM by DREDIOCK »
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Offline bustr

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #160 on: December 01, 2010, 03:21:39 PM »

All of the current observations are valid by all posters here at this incarnation of the game.

1. More structure and relevance to achieving objectives.
2. Meaningful rewards for making the effort to participate in a structured manner.
3. A more realistic cause and effect model to the overall relevance of strategic objects.
4. A change in the game process that will motivate the return of Missions as positive conflict generators.

In the heyday of game Missions, players were too busy participating and having fun rather than really gaming the system and such things. But, eventually things evolved and here we are airing our late understanding that we lost something good.

No one in this game is a "bad guy" or anti "good game play" and fun. Everyone seems stuck not trusting any solutions so far for working within the current restrictions of our environment. Drop off in total missions per tour. We seem to be at an impass to which idle hands come to mind. I trust HTC to have some solutions to this impass. 
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #161 on: December 01, 2010, 03:44:27 PM »
I feel a worthy addition would be to somehow force the need for better integrated combined forces attacks. For example..

1) If towns had rivers in them, so bridges needed to be captured to enable troops/GVs to get from one side to the other.
2) If a better concept of a 'front' was established such that GVs/ airplanes, etc.. are actually dependent on being able to establish and keep supply routs.
3) If Infrastructure had a bigger impact on the game, for example, in order to 'spawn' at a certain location, the railroad yard at the town and the spawn point must not be destroyed.
4) Make a maximum number of planes being able to up from a particular field. That number could be based on the size of the field, and other game dynamics such as the total number of bases, etc..

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Offline HighGTrn

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #162 on: December 01, 2010, 03:50:20 PM »
Personally, I think we should get rid of the Queens - they are responsible for so much of this drama.

(ok, Back to work)

in game call sign: S1n1ster

Offline Shuffler

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #163 on: December 01, 2010, 03:50:55 PM »
Well... I was going to post something that I thought would be funny.... but then had this idea.

Folks have been asking for weather... how about whenever the combatants in one area reaches a certain number the weather starts to deteriorate.

I don't know...  just an idea. I hate posting in Corky's threads as it usually means peeling more potatoes.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 03:55:38 PM by Shuffler »
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Offline Ardy123

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Re: OK BBS warriors. "Fix" the game....
« Reply #164 on: December 01, 2010, 03:55:00 PM »
Well... I was going to post something that I thought would be funny.... but then had this idea.

Folks have been asking for weather... how about whenever the combatants in one are reaches a certain number the weather starts to deteriorate.

I don't know...  just an idea. I hate posting in Corky's threads as it usually means peeling more potatoes.

Thats a cool idea. I can't wait to fight in turbulent storm clouds!  :rock
Yeah, that's right, you just got your rear handed to you by a fuggly puppet!
==Army of Muppets==