Well I seen a few things that I would have done different. First I would have nailed that Hurricane that was just floating there in front on you
. It seemed like you was unsure of what target to go after. My rule when engaging a better turning plane such as your Hurri or KI is to stay faster and higher then them and always try to get in the position to catch then at the top of their loop or in a turn. Because turning is what they do, you'll need to yoyo against these guys cutting inside their turns but at the same time staying faster then them.
As soon as I seen the KI was going up I would have too. You don't want that KI on top of you coming down because he's going to be hell to shake if he saddles up.
2nd is you when did get under the KI you pulled up into a headon situation. NOT GOOD. He has cannons and you collided no top of that. Once the KI started to climb I would have been trying to judge his state of E and catch him at the top when he was about to stall and then pop him. The worse case scenario is you'd miss the shot and he'd just drop down below you, leaving you on top with the advantage of alt and speed.
Both the KI and Hurricane will eat a 51 up in a turn fight so to be successful against one of them you have to use the 51s speed against them. Slashing attacks and keeping them pinned down and turning. Don't be predictable in your attacks as they'll be able to guess your next move and turn for the Ho shot.