People sure seem to be throwing these "battle" and "combat" words around a lot. There is no battle. Example: Before, a certain MW squad would do nothing late night but roll undefended bases. I'd log and and be the only Rook on and I'd go to the base with the flashing red icon and the fat dar bar. Now I know I'm not gonna be able to stop the capture most of the time, but they had to deal with me before they could roll the base. I could keep just enough pressure on the GVs that they had to divide their efforts and send air units to take me down. Nice, it involved actually fighting. I managed to actually chase them off occasionally and they'd lamely move to attacking the other country. The point is, it actually required some effort to take even an undefended base 'cause you had to manage all the little out-buildings before you cold roll in. Now, a few passes with a 110, a set of lanc-stukas, and roll M3s till the sun rises. No fighting, no effort, no skill, no real planning, just rolling the base. Now, If I log on and nothing but base rolling is happening, I log off. What's the point? No one wants to actually fight, they just want to take out the undefended bases. Now they don't even need to worry about resistance because it is, indeed, futile.