Just for kicks 3 of us tried to take a base a couple nights back. I was in lancs, we had 1 typh and 1 goon. Two passes basically shut down the (small) base (fh/vh/bh) and one pass on town white flagged it (4000 lber in the town center, and 2x 500 lbers on other building clusters) the white flag was up at that point. Typh deacked and the goon dropped. After that run I do agree that the number of town buildings to capture should be raised a touch. Either that, or add a couple more auto guns in the town.
That being said, overall gameplay has been far more enjoyable IMO. It seems like there's alot more variety when it comes to the fights to be had. Now, about those strats...
You did this in the Late War or EW/ MW arena? I am asking because I am seeing an entirely different thing. Anyway, two passes on the base in Lancasters and nobody was able to get up and challenge you and your Typhoon escort, before your second pass. I say that was a well put together and executed plan. You absolutely deserved that field.
Change the % of town buildings because
no one bothers to check the map to see
what bases are under attack or bother to defend?
We might as well change the M4 75 while we are at it, because it does too good of a job destroying buildings.
With all of the complaints about being too ridiculously easy, I am still hearing from folks how ridiculously fun the settings are.