I really don't think an unperked spit 14 will do anything a 16 does not in MA other then perhaps bing a great runner due to its fast sped and acceleration - but that can be said for many LW planes.
Ultimatly, having taken the 14 up a few tims, I just think that a lot of spit pilots who will fly it will find it very very nasty to fly and will still choise to take th 16 because its a better plane in 99% of combat situations - it stalls a lot better, it acclerates a bit less but still dos it very fast, it has arguably the best guns package other then the temp and 1C, great views, and communicates its stall limits well - other then the acceleration and the guns pakcage, outside of BnZ play, i don't see the 14 making a majo contribution. Th 1C and tempest are definatly perk worthy planes no doubt.
i think it should be unperked for a few tours to seeho it does. . .
The Spit14 with wep on, will out run a Spit16 by 20mph at all alts below 11k approx. After that due to gear shifts it stays average this till 20k. After that the Spit14 will stay faster than the fastest the Spit16 can go at any alt which is approx 410mph until 40k feet and can fly higher than a spit16 by reaching approx 43k feet (while going 390mph) while the spit16 cant go above 40k (at a max speed of approx 325mph).
On the other hand, a P51D can keep with the Spit14 until 25k feet but thats when the spit14 takes over speedwise and leaves the P51D in the dust. P51D vs Spit14 need not compare the climb rates at all.
Climbing wise the Spit16 and Spit14 stay near the same until 20k, then the Spit14 will outclimb the Spit16 all the way up. The only disadvantages a Spit14 has are slower turn rate (compared to other Spitfires, the damn thing will outturn alot of planes in the game still) and the nasty nasty stall (which by the way can be avoided with flaps most of the time).
Vs the 109K4, the Spit14 is less dangerous until very high alts. a 109K can catch it and climb with it, but the Spit14 can (iirc) outturn the 109K and also has more ammo capacity.
An F4U4 can keep with the Spit14 in most situations speed wise but even then the F4U4 cant climb with the Spit14 at all.
Vs the
TEMPEST, the Spit14 can outclimb and outturn it. And over 22k the Spit14 rockets while the Tempest is left in the dust.
the only major late war plane that can severely outrun a Spit14 at altitude is the P47M/N and even with these planes the Spit14 outclimbs and outturns.
This plane deserves perks. Nough said.