Speaking of which.. actually getting your bird down on uneasy terrain without busting your prop is a challenge in itself, then having to have a buddy drive you out fuel. Then taking off again. It would be challenging in itself, plus a lot of fun being able to help your buddies out, especially in hostile territory.
BIG +1 ...And Im really glad grizz is here so Im not the only one who has a clue! ...Because it's a challenge! Because its FUN!
It really wouldn't take that much time at all to code I don't believe. If a jeep is within 5 yds of landed airplane the jeep clicks refuel aircraft. If pilot accepts refuel it takes 30 seconds, just like on the rearm pad. All the tools to do this are already in the game in one shape or the other.
Think you over thought this one though. All he has to do is make vehicle sups accepted in an a/c on the ground. Instant fuel. But I like the fuel tanker idea and we had one, I just cant find where they parked the dam thing anymore. It just needs an engine now.
I hear ya Macleod, I do. However most of these folks are requesting it because they took spit16s up with 25% and a DT, or 109K4s with 25%/DT, trying to get any unrealistic edge they can. Or they loiter around far too long looking for picks just to get 2 kills to land in the text buffer.
I know there are pilots like you, and sorry if I hurt the ol'e feelin's there, but in general for the benefit of all those other players, I would say I don't like the idea. I've even had it happen to me many a time. It sucks. I'll curse about it. However I'd rather not have the instant "do-over" features that most folks request on this forum.
"sorry if I hurt the ol'e feelin's" but all of you who are assuming that everyone who kicks your bellybutton has been flying with 25% are just overestimating your abilities and compensate by assuming such things. I dont think it happens quite as often as its touted. I certainly dont fly with low loadouts or fail to pay attention to my fuel status and I have frequently ended up short of base.
It happened frequently in RL as well. Pilots and crews went to great lengths to retrieve an aircraft if possible. Even going so far as to take them apart. So this is NOT gamey or an instant "do-over" by any stretch of an intelligent mind.
And the further away we have to drive (if implemented) to rescue the plane the more interesting it gets!
I also didnt notice where the OP said anything about getting his name in lights. Though we should at least get full points for doing it! This is actually a perfect compromise to the "landing on runway" argument.
Oh but since i belly landed and tore both my wings off on the concrete I do ? 
Now that you mention it, after we get to refuel off base, Im asking for a flatbed truck with a crane to pick me up if I belly it off base

Drone operated that is.
You didn't land safely, you don't deserve "12 kills landed by so-and-so" in the buffer.
Like I said, if you COULD do this, if it were added, but removed your name from the buffer (regardless) would you still do it? More likely than not, no. Your squaddie wouldn't be calling for help if it didn't get his name in lights. He'd just tower and reup like a normal ditch.
First of all, like grizz said, landing off base is MORE challenging than on base much of the time. So if you can put a plane down in flyable condition, then it WAS a safe landing reguardless of retarded logic to the contrary.
Secondly, like you say, more often than not people wont do it, lights or no lights. Because its time consuming. PLUS I have yet to see anyone point out that it's more likely that this would be a 2 man rescue than a one. The guy in the jeep will likely have a hard time finding his buddy without someone directing from the air in some cases.
So why dont you tell us how this is going to hurt you? Are you afraid you wont get your kills? Or does it hurt your feelings when others do land kills?
Grizz and MarineUS have made everypoint that really needs to be made here.
-How is this different from a tank instantly fixed with sups?
-How is smashing your plane to bits on a runway and still getting kills considered "a safe landing" or "skilled flying" but landing in a dangerous and vulnerable spot and still making it home is not?
-What's it to you if someone else wants to spend the time?
-It's more targets to shoot at. Easy ones at that.
-It is in NO WAY an easy or gamey feature. It takes time (probably a minimum of 10 minute wait) and luck (to survive that long)
-Its easy to implement. vehicle sups dropped near a/c. --> Load Supplies. Done!
-This is actually a perfect compromise to the "landing on runway" argument.
Pilots from all over the world have been given their countries' highest military awards for their actions after ditching. Many of the greatest fighter pilot stories are about those events. Including things like landing a fighter in enemy territory and squeezing a downed pilot into a cockpit made for one. Or taking an entire ground crew out to a beached b26, removing all excess weight and then flying it off of an area no one thought was long enough.
Most of us play this game to capture the essence of being a pilot. You cant do that by denying real life possibilities. And for hitech, I dont think there is a single flight sim out there that has this feature. Use it to distinguish us from the rest.