As many of you know Scenarios are where immersion is available. You ARE a real escort fighter. You ARE a LW Pilot trying to get the Bombers
who are destroying your homeland, your city, maybe your house and family. The LW Pilot targets the "Dicke Autos" and are trying to avoid the "Indianers"
for the most part to get the bombers. After's the bombers who are destroying your country, not the Fighters.
This Scenario as DGS did provides the MOST opportunity in this game to be a Real Virtual Escort or "Whites of their Eyes" Bomber Killer. This Scenario actually
parodies what really occurred over Europe during the Biggest Air War in History during WWII. The Mighty Eighth versus the Luftwaffe!
Here is the reality from an 8th Fighter Pilot Escort. He will be flying over enemy held territory with limited range. If he goes down he is out. If he goes down his
Squadron mates have one less aircraft to defend the bombers with. There will be no help coming the range is to great. The fighters lose aircraft and find it
more difficult to defend the bombers. Damaged LW aircraft land and replane and get right back into battle. Low fuel LW Pilots land and rearm and get back into
the fray since it's over their homeland. In the meantime the Allies are losing bombers and more fighters. And here comes the LW again in strength. What used to be 50
escorts is down to 29. What used to be 300 bombers is down to 260......that's 10 crew per plane X 40. 400 good men were lost in Bombers, plus 11 more in escorts.
And here comes the LW again in force to attack the remnants of the Bombardment Group....and the escorts. It will be somewhat easier now but never a piece of cake
to get to the Bombers. The LW has downed 21 escorts so far, and the Allies will lose more escorts and bombers in this next attack.
Lot's of escorts took themselves out of escort range by getting lower then the bombers making the bombers easier targets. Discipline is needed and smarts. Sometimes
a cold pass to get the fighter off the bombers is more valuable then a one on one kill. Why? Because it's the bomber and it's crew that is most important. The bombers
are knocking out factories, cities, sub pens. The fighters can't do that..they are there to keep the bomber crew on target to deliver its' deadly ord. That is what is
important. That is what will close down Germanys' war production and thus end the war.
As an escort fighter remember why you are there. To get the Bombers to target. I'd much rather stay alive and keep shooing flies off the Bombers so they can deliver
their payload, then get kills and see the bomber group I was escorting destroyed or made in-effective because of low numbers. I'd anyday trade getting home alive,being effective
aggressive, and smart at the same time, with no kills and the majority of my bombers make it home with eggz delivered.
Remember why you are there. Unless you've been forced lower you don't belong there. If you follow cons to the deck you've just taken yourself out of the game. You are useless.
You are useless to your squadmates who are disciplined, and the bombers they escort.
That was and is the reality!