This is the smartest saying ever, period. nothing beats it if you really look deep into he meaning. your a g*&da^*genius dmgod
Hopefully this will be a solo perked buff. I would hate to see two drone B-29s tag-along for a total bomb load of 60,000lbs.
just don't attack from the rear maybe?
anyone see the 80x100lbs. bombs on the ords counter in the cockpit?
I see DrBone has found a new Sith apprentice. Good, good, let the hate flow through you.
I'm still kidna surprised they chose to model with that 20mm rear gun... But good lookin' it is!
So I assume I will not see you in anything but the B-29?
Half of my time flying B-29, half of my time killing them while heading for home on a B-29
just don't attack from the rear maybe? looks like you will only have 4x3 50 cal shooting at you with a frontal belly shot.
Now for the perk? I see no mention of it
Those wingtips look fragile... Hmmm can't wait...