Landing is overrated.
Sure it has. In this example, its a lot more efficient to make electricity at a huge power station, utilizing economies of scale, than it is to utilize millions of very small and inefficient gasoline and diesel engines. It matters not if the power station is using coal, natural gas, some other oil derived fuel, nuclear, solar, hydroelectric, wind, or what have you, it still holds. The increase in cost of electricity, if it happens at all, would be negligible compared to the savings from not buying gasoline. The inherent advantages electricity has in production and distribution guarantee that.Another factor is that many of our political rivals or straight up enemies are funded by our oil habit, and finding ways to reduce their leverage on us is a good idea.
read up on electric cars and get back to us.
I thought we had it rough at $1.35
How about not even using a gasoline powered car? Electricity is incredibly cheap, and you can recharge in the comfort of your own home with nothing but an electrical outlet. If travelling longer distances, consider a hybrid with plug-in capabilities, the gasoline motor can recharge the batteries en-route. Electricity is the way of the future, stop living in the (now rather expensive) past.-Penguin
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power. HiTech
This shouldn't be discussed! Its causing greif, prices are bad enough! By the time i can drive my own car gas is going to be like 5 dollars a gallon!