Author Topic: Kids these days  (Read 3943 times)

Offline dunnrite

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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #105 on: March 01, 2011, 02:57:50 PM »
And your constant belittling shows how your method worked for you, right?  Definitely makes up my mind, I think I'll go spank my kids for the hell of it.
Amazing you could actually recruit that much suck into one squad.
Your Proctologist called, they found your head.

Offline dedalos

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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #106 on: March 01, 2011, 03:18:44 PM »
And your constant belittling shows how your method worked for you, right?  Definitely makes up my mind, I think I'll go spank my kids for the hell of it.

Can you tell I have a lot more respect for kids than adults?  Even less for some adults?  If anything, his action of starting this thread and his description of what happened confirm what I think.

To answer your question, no sir.  It did not work.  My dream was to depend on the people I take money from for a paycheck, hide behind billboards, and pick fights with 14 year olds on the net.  I have failed and for that I blame my parents for not beating me up enough (see, you assumed they didn't  :lol).

Heading home early today.  I need to knock out an 11 and a 9 year old girl so they don't end up like me.
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #107 on: March 01, 2011, 03:37:48 PM »
I like how one of the posters put it

  I would not treat my dog the way some posters recommended though.

If you pound on an animal, the ASPCA will put their fist so far up your anus you'll have fingers coming out of your eyes.  If you pound on a defenseless human being who loves you unconditionally, nobody cares.  That is the most stupifiying society one can imagine.

Poke a panda, get ten years in prison,
Poke a kid, nothing happens


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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #108 on: March 01, 2011, 03:57:03 PM »
Yes, but all unnecessary.  What were you talking about in your story of getting knocked out?  a spanking?  All you guys are talking about is bellybutton kickings,  not a quick spank on the butt.

Why is it OK to do to a kid what you cannot do to an adult?  I mean, if that is how you can get people to behave, I have a big list in my hands lol. 

FYI, hitting is the easy way out.  It takes a few seconds and you are done with it.  Parenting on the other hand may take some effort.  In the end, they are your kids.  You can treat them as people or as property and circus animals.  Your choice.  I would not treat my dog the way some posters recommended though.

Done here unless big man, tax man has anything to say  :lol

 my grand pop doing that to me was one single time. i mean you think i didn't deserve that? in hindsight....i more than deserved that.

 spankings? really? why are they not right or necessary? if that teaches the kid(which it has with virtually every kid i've known that got them) that what he/she did was wrong, and it sticks in their memory, why is it a bad thing? do you really think i'd have(in my case) come up the same, or any better without the spankings? i really don't think so.
 do i think that every kid needs or should be spanked? hell no. you raise your kid as best as you can, whether it involves spankings or not. if they learn without spankings, then great! just don't be one of those that goes around minding every one elses business when you see them slap their kid for using the "B" word or worse.

 when my brother or i got our spankings, we got the "talk" either during, before, or after. it's kinda funny how that tended to make it stick.

 on a side note, my mom(not my grandmom) hurt her hand on me once..i was/am a skinny bastage. she used the ping pong paddles(those suckers STING!). whelp....if you've seen the older wood ones, there was always a small hole in the handle right where it widened up. i went downstairs one day, grabbed my grandpops hand auger, and enlarged these holes. mom broke one on my ass. that was the last time she spanked either of us.  :devil
 it scared her, 'cause she thought that she hit me too hard.  :rofl  i told her about that a few months ago, and rather funnily, she remembered that too.....and was kinda pissed, but laughed almost as hard as both me and my brother.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline druski85

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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #109 on: March 01, 2011, 03:59:13 PM »
And your constant belittling shows how your method worked for you, right?  Definitely makes up my mind, I think I'll go spank my kids for the hell of it.

Yea, admittedly I agreed with him at first, but the more he posts the less I feel inclined to do so.  I guess I'll change my stance to "go re-read the Westy and Yossarian posts"

Personally, my mom only ever slapped me once growing up, and it was most certainly deserved.  I got spanked a few times, but the most common (and arguably effective) punishment was the old time out corner.  The vast majority of the time none of these were necessary, due to proactive parenting. 

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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #110 on: March 01, 2011, 03:59:52 PM »
I'm under the impression you have something against cops.  He came here with an easy to understand gripe.  He was surprised about what happend with a youngster online.  As far as I can recall, he didn't say anything about beating a kid, maybe others have.  Is your sarcasm really necessary?  What ever problems you have with cops forget about it.  

EDIT: not you belial, you posted while I was typing this.

gotta remember, distance makes people feel safe. i had a 20 year old dood(was one of the 3 kids i mentioned in an earlier post) going off on me on the phone last week. why did he have the balls to do that? because he's staying with his cousin in va right now, as neither of his parents will take him back in thanks to his past.
 if he were standing in my office, i know for fact he'd never have said half of the stuff he said. i did a pretty good job of controlling myself seeing as he's a friends kid.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline dedalos

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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #111 on: March 01, 2011, 05:05:21 PM »
Yea, admittedly I agreed with him at first, but the more he posts the less I feel inclined to do so.  I guess I'll change my stance to "go re-read the Westy and Yossarian posts"

Personally, my mom only ever slapped me once growing up, and it was most certainly deserved.  I got spanked a few times, but the most common (and arguably effective) punishment was the old time out corner.  The vast majority of the time none of these were necessary, due to proactive parenting. 

Ohh, don;t confuse my feelings towards a few guys with the subject.  They have nothing to do with each other.  I am curious on the assumption that I did not get hit as a kid though, even after saying I did.  Would getting hit as a kid make me like traffic cops some how?  Respect is earned or lost.  Somehow I lost respect for some people based on their actions.

I did not like the post to begin with.  Coming from a person that I have lost respect for did not help his case lol.  What exactly is it that you think these guys do that deserves my respect anyway?  If you read my posts then you know I am not talking about all cops.  Can you tell me what exactly they produce or offer to our society that demands my respect?  In any case, it has nothing to do with this thread.

CAP, it is funny how you guys can tell us how to raise our kids but we cant tell you how.  I apologize in advance, but if you slap your kid in public in front of me, you just made it my business.  They are not property, remember?

See ya all tomorrow and remember, beat up on your kids or they will grow up not respecting traffic cops  :old:
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #112 on: March 01, 2011, 05:12:07 PM »
Again, why do I laugh and joke with the older guys,why am I in the ROTC, why do I spend time playing this game and hanging out at the veterans association bar (RSL) with the lawn bowlers and the old soldiers round the corner?

Because, I was brought up to A: respect authority and the experience of age

B: treat everyone with respect unless they do not deserve it

C: Learn from mistakes and learn to shut up and not speak till spoken to

Why do I do these things. Because I got the shiit kicked out of me if I got out of line. Now that I respect authority, i get along with people quite well. Teachers don't like me however because my intelligence makes them think im going out of my way to subvert their authority, despite the fact im the only one who listens and calls them sir or maam.

Even so, as a kid I back up the point the older guys are making, without discipline. THIS is what happens.
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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #113 on: March 01, 2011, 06:03:58 PM »
but if you slap your kid in public in front of me, you just made it my business. 

That's actually how the ASPCA got started, except with a horse instead of a kid.


Offline Tyrannis

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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #114 on: March 01, 2011, 06:57:52 PM »
Again, why do I laugh and joke with the older guys,why am I in the ROTC, why do I spend time playing this game and hanging out at the veterans association bar (RSL) with the lawn bowlers and the old soldiers round the corner?

Because, I was brought up to A: respect authority and the experience of age

B: treat everyone with respect unless they do not deserve it

C: Learn from mistakes and learn to shut up and not speak till spoken to

Why do I do these things. Because I got the shiit kicked out of me if I got out of line. Now that I respect authority, i get along with people quite well. Teachers don't like me however because my intelligence makes them think im going out of my way to subvert their authority, despite the fact im the only one who listens and calls them sir or maam.

Even so, as a kid I back up the point the older guys are making, without discipline. THIS is what happens.
i do not respect someone simply on age alone.

the whole age= wisdom metaphor is a farse.

i'll show respect to people. but only if they show it to me.
if some old guy was to come up and start taking shots at me, i wouldnt be like "yes sir, your word is better than mine. because your OLDER".
now, dont think what im saying means i dont respect the elders or veterans. because i do.

my grandfather is the person who i have the most respect for. man taught me everything when i was young.
from how to tie my shoes to how to fix a fence,mow the yard and how to be a farmer (if i ever choose to be one).
he never once came at me with the "you'll do what i say because im older than you" line. he was curtious. and if he needed my help with something he would ask. and i would be glad to help him. he never forced me to do anything.

my FATHER on the other hand, is a shining example of why i dont respect age alone.

because he through his age around like it was a slave whip.

as soon as he moved in with us, he'd start bossing me around. as ive stated he was only in my life for 3 months (when i was 15). so naturally i thought "you havent been in my life at all, who the hell are you to be bossing me around?"

and i told him this.

and he used that same b.s line i here all the time from older snobby ppl.

"you'll do it because im older than you and that makes me incharge".

he'd use the same line whenever i tried giving him advice on something to help him from making a mistake.

he'd be like

"ive been around longer than you i know how to do this".

i show politeness to the elderly. but if respect came down to age alone, i wouldnt respect anyone older than me.

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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #115 on: March 01, 2011, 07:10:22 PM »
Get over it and go hide behind some billboard big man :lol  What is all this have to do with the subject?  How many teens did you take revenge on since the alleged incident?

You really miss a lot when you read dont you. As i stated earlier, I was in no way insulted, nor did i feel put down in any way. I was simply surprised by the some of the language the kid used so i ask what others thought. What does your post have to do with this subject. It was a simple question. What are your thoughts on todays kids and the upcoming generation?

Thanks for your input,
"Hiding behind a billboard near you"
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 07:13:19 PM by BowHTR »
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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #116 on: March 01, 2011, 09:09:32 PM »
well, we at least wont have trouble dealing with each othr... we were all (supposedly) raised this way. its our elders that wont/dont/might not like our attitudes

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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #117 on: March 01, 2011, 10:41:17 PM »
Ohh, don;t confuse my feelings towards a few guys with the subject.  They have nothing to do with each other.  I am curious on the assumption that I did not get hit as a kid though, even after saying I did.  Would getting hit as a kid make me like traffic cops some how?  Respect is earned or lost.  Somehow I lost respect for some people based on their actions.

I did not like the post to begin with.  Coming from a person that I have lost respect for did not help his case lol.  What exactly is it that you think these guys do that deserves my respect anyway?  If you read my posts then you know I am not talking about all cops.  Can you tell me what exactly they produce or offer to our society that demands my respect?  In any case, it has nothing to do with this thread.

CAP, it is funny how you guys can tell us how to raise our kids but we cant tell you how.  I apologize in advance, but if you slap your kid in public in front of me, you just made it my business.  They are not property, remember?

See ya all tomorrow and remember, beat up on your kids or they will grow up not respecting traffic cops  :old:

Im guess you dont have kids or think about it this way, but what if one of your kids, or your wife was hit by a drunk driver and they were killed. But the State Trooper could've stopped that vehicle, but didnt. How would you feel about it then? Would all cops still be arses? my guess is you would say yes, cops are arses cause they didnt do their job by stopping a drunk driver. But on the other hand, all the Troopers that do stop the drunkies, and you just happen to be one, then you still dont like cops. What about the cops that put people away for robbery or grand theft auto, do you want anyone just helping themselves to your property and the cops not doing anything about it? The State Troopers are there for YOUR safety. Troopers are there to stop that drunk driver from hitting your son/daughter/wife. Troopers are there to help protect your property and are there for your safety. Dont take it out on me for doing my job and you got cuffed and stuffed by one for breaking a law.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 10:42:56 PM by BowHTR »
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #118 on: March 01, 2011, 11:09:59 PM »
It has always seemed clear to me as a former kid and as a parent.  If your a proactive parent, you don't need to hit your kids.  As near as I can tell all it does is teach them to hit.

If you reactive parent, then you'll end up having to discipline your kid that way.

It's interesting for me now, raising a 2 year old at 50 after raising three kids starting in my 20s.  I know when I'm not on my parent game as Matthew pushes the limits and gets into things he shouldn't.  He makes sure that way that I pay attention.  If I'm on my game those things don't happen as the limits are set before he has to find them.

Raising kids isn't rocket science, but it does take some investment and effort.
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Re: Kids these days
« Reply #119 on: March 01, 2011, 11:17:23 PM »
Kommando Nowotny "Tip of the dull butter knife"
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