Author Topic: Is this what Hitech wants?  (Read 24248 times)

Offline JUGgler

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #255 on: March 01, 2011, 06:31:57 PM »
No the hordes I was working against Saturday. 5-8 minutes and they had the base, at least the 2 times I caught them.

Those hangers are already down. Remember these guys flatten everything. So I guess I could circle until they come back up, but why? They have no intentions of using this base they just took, they are off on the other side of the map sneaking up on another base. Of course I could fly around all night, everynight and porking ord all over the fronts. Jeee that sounds like fun! :rolleyes:

Again make vulching count for nothing and out of that 40-50 peep horde 20 will go elsewhere  :aok 20 vs 3 now those are odds I like  :rock :rock

still trying waystin  :neener:

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Offline SectorNine50

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #256 on: March 01, 2011, 06:56:32 PM »
Your credibility just lawdarted.  You're either purposefully skewing or just haven't been around enough games.  AH is one of the more casual, friendly games.  Aside the superfluous real estater/furballer purse fights, there's nothing in AH that compares with some of the sheer rotten attitude prevalent in many games.  You don't know what you're talking about on this one.

So you are more credible on the topic then?  I'd like to know how you figure.

What game has a sheer rotten attitude?  Are you talking about Call of Duty?  Because I know a LOT of extremely nice and fun people in that game.  Are you talking about the Battlefield series?  Because my friends list on steam is full of awesome guys I play with.

Or are you basing this assumption on the people who talk on the "all chat?"  All chat is hardly ever comprised of the people that are worth associating with.  Out of all the games I've played, I've never found the majority to have a "sheer rotten attitude," only the minority, but they make a big stink about it.

Aces High has all the same types of characters as any other online game, there is no reason why this shouldn't be the case.  It takes all kinds to make a game MMO, and all kinds is what you will get.  I agree, AH has a lot of friendly players, but just like every other game, there are definite rotten apples.  Those same "purse fights" are the same things that happen in other games too.

If you don't agree with something I'm saying, please prove otherwise.  Just stating "not credible" doesn't do much for me in this discussion.  If you want evidence, I can find you threads on the EVE forum if you'd like, but I have a feeling you don't actually care to read them.

What other MMOG do you play, moot?  Perhaps I can relate to you using that game.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 06:58:52 PM by SectorNine50 »
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #257 on: March 01, 2011, 06:59:28 PM »
So you are more credible on the topic then?  I'd like to know how you figure.

What game has a sheer rotten attitude?  Are you talking about Call of Duty?  Because I know a LOT of extremely nice and fun people in that game.  Are you talking about the Battlefield series?  Because my friends list on steam is full of awesome guys I play with.

Or are you basing this assumption on the people who talk on the "all chat?"  All chat is hardly ever comprised of the people that are worth associating with.  Out of all the games I've played, I've never found the majority to have a "sheer rotten attitude," only the minority, but they make a big stink about it.

Aces High has all the same types of characters as any other online game, there is no reason why this shouldn't be the case.  It takes all kinds to make a game MMO, and all kinds is what you will get.

If you don't agree with something I'm saying, please prove otherwise.  Just stating "not credible" doesn't do much for me in this discussion.  If you want evidence, I can find you threads on the EVE forum if you'd like, but I have a feeling you don't actually care to read them.

What other MMOG do you play, moot?  Perhaps I can relate to you using that game.

This is the only online game I play, I do play another MMO though

M y  M anly  O rgan that is   :banana:

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #258 on: March 01, 2011, 07:07:54 PM »
From what I see, a very minority of the players complain about "the horde."

The only way to prevent the horde is by limiting something.  Since the minority are the only ones complaining, he would be limiting everyone for the minority.  It's an MMOG, there is going to be stuff happening online on a massive scale.  The horde will exist forever, might as well get used to it.

HTC might have a clue what he's doing, lets stop giving him tips on how to run his company.

Its a mistake to think that because only a minority is speaking up here that the number of people complaining is small. Only a very small percentage of people ever spend any time on the boards. And even fewer jump in on threads that are already 5 pages long in the first 24 hours.

Some of us might have a bit of experience in actually playing this game or very similar ones each and every day too. Some of us for near 20 years. We too can see and have a first hand feel for whats working and what might be able to be tweaked to better serve the overall community as a whole large and small alike.

But rather then view or suggest that such commentary and suggestions as some sort of non existent slight on Hitech. I find it rather commendable that people care enough about the success of the game to provide their own insights and thought based on their experiences both here and elsewhere. And to the credit of HTC. They have shown a willingness to adapt and try different things not only on their own. But also based on player input. The players themselves are after all. the sand in the sandbox. Some things worked and some didnt. The beauty of it is it can always be changed back if it doesn't work out as hoped

As for my own suggestions. Not one thing I suggested with the exception of hard side limits would limit anyone's anything cept how many planes would be able to be up from a particular base at any given time. You could still have your horde. You just would have to be more creative and put in more thought in doing so. It would add depth to the game and a greater sense of realism. It would be less of a mob mentality and become a bit more cerebral and sense of team effort instead of just playing follow the leader like a bunch of elephants holding each others tails at a circus.
 At worst it would spread the furball fight over a larger front. Where on maps that have 150 billion bases otherwise unused wouldnt be a bad thing and getting to the center mass unscathed might be a rather fun challenge in itself. And it should still  leave enough left over on most of the maps for the sneak attack here and there as well as the smallest of engagements.

If it were entirely up to me. I'd take it a few dozen steps even further. Small bases would be fighter and light bomber only. Medium bases fighter to medium bombers and the big bombers such as the B29s, 17s and lancasters, would only be able to up at the big bases. And types of load outs available at the bases would also be reflective of the bases size, and thus its ability to house and store such ordinance.. But thats very unlikely to ever happen even though it might be interesting. There would simply be too many howls.

In the end. I dont see anyone telling HT how to run his business. I do see people who feel that they recognize that there is a legitimate problem/s and are offering creative suggestions to address them. If it werent seen by some as a legitimate problem. This thread would never have stayed pretty much on topic for going on 19 pages now. Now how or even if HTC decides to deal with it is entirely up to them as usual.
All we can do is provide input. And thats all I see anyone really doing.
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #259 on: March 01, 2011, 07:34:19 PM »
So you are more credible on the topic then?  I'd like to know how you figure.
I can't be responsible for replying to counter-arguments to arguments I never made

What game has a sheer rotten attitude?  Are you talking about Call of Duty?  Because I know a LOT of extremely nice and fun people in that game.  Are you talking about the Battlefield series?  Because my friends list on steam is full of awesome guys I play with.
Dark (bright) side of the moon fallacy

Or are you basing this assumption on the people who talk on the "all chat?"  All chat is hardly ever comprised of the people that are worth associating with.  Out of all the games I've played, I've never found the majority to have a "sheer rotten attitude," only the minority, but they make a big stink about it.
No, ch200 is nothing compared to some of the crap in other games, and still significantly better, by virtue of ch200 being so segregated from the rest of AH, than most of the ambient atmosphere in many other games

Aces High has all the same types of characters as any other online game, there is no reason why this shouldn't be the case.  It takes all kinds to make a game MMO, and all kinds is what you will get.  I agree, AH has a lot of friendly players, but just like every other game, there are definite rotten apples.  Those same "purse fights" are the same things that happen in other games too.
AH is relatively very laid back, humor is much less stressed, temperament of flight sim pile-its is much more relaxed

If you don't agree with something I'm saying, please prove otherwise.  Just stating "not credible" doesn't do much for me in this discussion.  If you want evidence, I can find you threads on the EVE forum if you'd like, but I have a feeling you don't actually care to read them.
Where did I say only "not credible"?
I'm not going to thoroughly dig into all the things that factor into what you can expect from playing a game - forums, players, gameplay design, etc - just so I can see if what you say is right or not in this argument.  The onus is on you to prove that EVE is proper analogy IE not a flawed analogy, and characteristic IE not a single data point fluke

What other MMOG do you play, moot?  Perhaps I can relate to you using that game.
I expect this leads to an argument on any given game we both have played, where you could pretend things aren't as I pretend.  A dead end. Especially considering my instinct telling me we have different standards.

"Massive" in MMOG is not relevant to "human nature" argument.  I've played many games (too many to recall off hand) but the gist of my argument stems mainly from experience in games rife with younger players (not negligible proportion of all games).  They're childish and the atmosphere is comparable to what you find in a forum like 4chan.  Cretinous insistence on trashy standards.
You can do the detective legwork if you like.  What you will find is that, probably in no small part due to AH's niche-sized population, AH is a notably homely population.  HiTech is spot on saying that a tightly woven community, e.g. via 32-player limited squads, is the fabric of a healthy game.  Unlike what you'd expect if you myopically adhered to the MMOG criteria
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #260 on: March 01, 2011, 08:01:07 PM »
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline SectorNine50

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #261 on: March 01, 2011, 08:25:31 PM »
I can't be responsible for replying to counter-arguments to arguments I never made

Well for someone to say that someone else isn't credible on a topic, they themselves have to be credible in some way, therefor it's implied.

Dark (bright) side of the moon fallacy

Sure, then I could reply with "you just have a negative outlook."

No, ch200 is nothing compared to some of the crap in other games, and still significantly better, by virtue of ch200 being so segregated from the rest of AH, than most of the ambient atmosphere in many other games
AH is relatively very laid back, humor is much less stressed, temperament of flight sim pile-its is much more relaxed

200 is known for being full of just trash talking most of the time, and none of it seems very relaxed.  The only time I really see constant reasonable talk is during the off-hours.

I don't see how you've managed to avoid the same kind of positive chatter we can sometimes get on 200 in other games... I see it all the time.

Where did I say only "not credible"?

You told me that I was not credible, then told mechanic that what he said is "inaccurate" without any defense behind the statement.

I'm not going to thoroughly dig into all the things that factor into what you can expect from playing a game - forums, players, gameplay design, etc - just so I can see if what you say is right or not in this argument.  The onus is on you to prove that EVE is proper analogy IE not a flawed analogy, and characteristic IE not a single data point fluke

I offered to pull up threads from the EVE forum.

I'm not going to let you discredit the point I was trying to make.  All games have "poor behavior" that people have to adapt to and combat.  For instance, while not on the same scale, in AH people have adapted to the HO, and they avoid it.

To me, it seems people don't like the horde because it means they have to move to another base against their will in order to fight like they want.

I expect this leads to an argument on any given game we both have played, where you could pretend things aren't as I pretend.  A dead end. Especially considering my instinct telling me we have different standards.

Or one of us might be enlightened.  I don't know about you, but if someone proves to me that this horde situation is out of control and needs to be contained, I'll change my mind.  I just haven't seen any solid arguments other than it cramps their style.

I feel like the same people that complain about the horde are the same ones that say they don't care about winning the war.  So if they just losing bases, why does it bother them so much?

"Massive" in MMOG is not relevant to "human nature" argument.  I've played many games (too many to recall off hand) but the gist of my argument stems mainly from experience in games rife with younger players (not negligible proportion of all games).  They're childish and the atmosphere is comparable to what you find in a forum like 4chan.  Cretinous insistence on trashy standards.
You can do the detective legwork if you like.  What you will find is that, probably in no small part due to AH's niche-sized population, AH is a notably homely population.  HiTech is spot on saying that a tightly woven community, e.g. via 32-player limited squads, is the fabric of a healthy game.  Unlike what you'd expect if you myopically adhered to the MMOG criteria

Saying it's not relevant doesn't make much sense to me.  You get a lot of people in a game with a common goal, and human nature rears it's ugly head.  I can't see how they don't correlate?

I agree, portions of AH are homely and tightly woven and that does stand out from many MMOG's.  But that really doesn't change the fact that humans are humans and you're playing against a lot of them, it just changes that you might know who they are.

My standards could be different, or maybe it's that I am a live and let live type of person.  I may not like getting horded, but I'm not going to go and tell them that what they are doing is wrong just because I can't up at the airfield I want to up at.
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #262 on: March 01, 2011, 08:29:49 PM »
From what I see, a very minority of the players complain about "the horde."

The only way to prevent the horde is by limiting something.  Since the minority are the only ones complaining, he would be limiting everyone for the minority.  It's an MMOG, there is going to be stuff happening online on a massive scale.  The horde will exist forever, might as well get used to it.

HTC might have a clue what he's doing, lets stop giving him tips on how to run his company.

Why would the majority complain about themselves?   :headscratch:

Anyway I am not complaining let alone about the horde, my focus is the VOOOLCH!  savy?   :salute

LMAO! Classic
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #263 on: March 01, 2011, 09:17:48 PM »
When HiTech was working on Combat Tour, I had always thought a game like that would far to structured and regimented to be fun for me. I was happy with the eb and flow of our little "war" and the battles that raged across the maps. Over the last few years however, while the main arenas were not lead by a single person, or strict rules, the chaos that has come out of it has become all consuming.

Mentioned was the trash talking. Years ago there was trash talking, but it was all game related, "about time you pulled the training wheels off and got in a real plane don't cha think?" It was good natured and all meant in fun. Today it is far more personal. Verbal bullying is the norm. Again an instance of going over board.

Today I'd be happy with a single leader, and a lot more rules. At least everyone would be on the same page.

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #264 on: March 01, 2011, 09:23:27 PM »
18 pages and you ppl haven't figured out what Hitech wants yet?

Do not get caught up in the country-centric thinking.
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #265 on: March 01, 2011, 09:41:01 PM »
No the hordes I was working against Saturday. 5-8 minutes and they had the base, at least the 2 times I caught them.

Sounds like they were pretty organized, and the defenders weren't.

If you're really watching the map, you would have known they were coming and would have had more time to react. (C'mon--ya gotta admit--5-8 minutes is pretty quick)

 Then again, you can't catch em ALL in time.

But when you do--------- its a blast.

And just like that old song said:  Some times ya win, some times ya loooooooooooose, Good time Charlies got the blues.

(Yes, I've been drinkin!) :D
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #266 on: March 01, 2011, 11:16:09 PM »
Well for someone to say that someone else isn't credible on a topic, they themselves have to be credible in some way, therefor it's implied.
Ok now I'm pretty convinced you must be pretty young.  A truth is true regardless who says is.

Sure, then I could reply with "you just have a negative outlook."
Agree to disagree. Your pov dont weigh much.

200 is known for being full of just trash talking most of the time, and none of it seems very relaxed.  The only time I really see constant reasonable talk is during the off-hours.
Not true and this just kills your credibility in my eyes.  Most obvious e.g. FPS games where the bitterness is orders of magnitude worse than AH.  Literally like taking on par with 4chan crass

You told me that I was not credible, then told mechanic that what he said is "inaccurate" without any defense behind the statement.
What did I ask you?  You said it wasn't enough to say not credible to which I replied that I never said only "not credible", which is correct.  I never replied to you with "not credible" and nothing more.  Batfink is irrelevant.

I offered to pull up threads from the EVE forum.
Which is evidence I suggested you ought to show; and you've yet to.

I'm not going to let you discredit the point I was trying to make.  All games have "poor behavior" that people have to adapt to and combat.  For instance, while not on the same scale, in AH people have adapted to the HO, and they avoid it.
Your agenda shouldn't be blind and passionate defense of any given point but adoption of fittest argument.  Adapting to HO is already more detailed than platitudes like "just adapt to hordes".  

To me, it seems people don't like the horde because it means they have to move to another base against their will in order to fight like they want.
There's many reasons for not liking the horde, most valid of these being that the horde waters down gameplay quality.  Gameplay of AH is air combat.  That is, dogfighting.  Kills by horde is akin to vulching, only whereas vulching's purposedly gratuitous, hording denies an opportunity for a fair fight, even if in this fair fight those in the horde never do let the hordees win.  The horde typically simply overwhelms its outnumbered victims.  There is no gameplay there any more than there is gameplay for the vulcher and vulchee.

Or one of us might be enlightened.  I don't know about you, but if someone proves to me that this horde situation is out of control and needs to be contained, I'll change my mind.  I just haven't seen any solid arguments other than it cramps their style.
If you really want that enlightenment you could search the dozens of previous threads on the topic.  At least a few fairly made points by the "anti"-horde posters

I feel like the same people that complain about the horde are the same ones that say they don't care about winning the war.  So if they just losing bases, why does it bother them so much?
Completely misses their point which is, no exaggeration, obvious.  See directly above with vulch analogy. This is the crux of the matter and every other argument in your post is superfluous

Saying it's not relevant doesn't make much sense to me.  You get a lot of people in a game with a common goal, and human nature rears it's ugly head.  I can't see how they don't correlate?
Don't correlate cause that's not all there is to it.

I agree, portions of AH are homely and tightly woven and that does stand out from many MMOG's.  But that really doesn't change the fact that humans are humans and you're playing against a lot of them, it just changes that you might know who they are.
??  platonics; no particulars.  Picking at random... Call of duty or any of the FPSes are filled to the brim with crass behavior

I may not like getting horded, but I'm not going to go and tell them that what they are doing is wrong just because I can't up at the airfield I want to up at.
Implying I did?  I never did.  Why would you imply I did when I didn't?  Because you still don't fully grasp rhetorics.

My standards could be different, or maybe it's that I am a live and let live type of person.
unspecific platonics
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 11:31:43 PM by moot »
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #267 on: March 01, 2011, 11:26:57 PM »
Alright moot, I'm sorry but I've lost interest.  Stopped reading after you said my point of view "doesn't weigh much."  Plus your passive aggressive argument style is a waste of my time.

Not sure how you think your opinion is worth more than mine, but have at it.  I've said my bit anyway.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 11:29:53 PM by SectorNine50 »
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #268 on: March 01, 2011, 11:34:29 PM »
No passive aggressivity, and what does style have to do with anything? What if a foreign guy shows up in this discussion and makes valid points with a style you dislike? Textbook example of cognitive bias. Relevance, reason is what's relevant, not style.  I don't think my opinion is inherently worth more than yours.  You said your bit and it fails previous discussions' consensus IOW look up previous discussions and see for yourself how your arguments stack up

There's no shame in being young and inexperienced.  Shame itself is fallacious but... so to speak, it's shameful to give up or at least not try. 
You need to read up on cognitive bias and rhetorical fallacies.  Sounds like you're aware of them but haven't done them justice.  Don't pretend to win arguments.  "The only way to truly win a debate is to know the opponent's arguments better than he does"
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 11:38:24 PM by moot »
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #269 on: March 01, 2011, 11:42:55 PM »
  "The only way to truly win a debate is to know the opponent's arguments better than he does"

no wonder you hate arguing with me so much  :D
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.