I HONESTLY didn't know that switching sides and getting cv sunk was considered cheating in HTC eyes. Had I known this I wouldn't have done it. In my 5 years or so of game play here I've seen it done NUMEROUS times and to the best of my knowledge nobody has been banned from the game for doing so. So now knowing that it is considered cheating by HTC I won't be doing it again.
Commendable then, as I know you and I have had this discussion before. Not the first time we've had to take a boat away from you.
Now that being said, I think that HTC needs to implement someway of preventing the cv's from being hid. It seems as if a lot of players feel the same way as I do.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ports are far too easy to take in the first place. 6 months ago upon the release of new fields, there were 2 VH's initially at a port. Then one was removed. On many maps there is no GV spawn into a port and the nearest airfield is too far away. Ports are far too easy to take in the first place especially given their importance.
Unfortunately, knowing what I know of terrain design, it would likely be a lot of work to go back through them to remedy this. But I do believe that should be the first step.
I made the argument internally with the squad today that taking ord and troops out removes an opponents "offensive" capability. This is also true for capturing and then running off an opponents CV. This is the ONLY reason it is done. Being able to actually use that boat is not a consideration. At least, until such time as the fields around the captured boat and Port are secured. As long as you don't own the Port, or
only own the Port ... using that boat is not an option. It must be tucked away out of harms way.
Now, ords will in time reappear at a stricken field. Not so a hidden CV from a recaptured Port. The MAIN problem here is some that specifically go after an opponents Port and CV SOLELY to get that boat from them and out of there. Again, the Port is not the prize. In that situation we could care less about your Port. It's the removal of your
offensive capability. I suspect THIS is where most of the whining comes from.
So, certainly a timer might be of use but it would have to be much more than 45 minutes due to the nature of the prize. 4-5 hours minumum sounds more like it. This gives the attacking force time to secure the Port and more importantly, immediately surrounding fields. If you can't do it in that time, fine, revert the CV back to the Port owner.
I've watched many, many, many of these threads over time. In the past 6 months, how many changes have been made to accommodate the masses in regards to towns and base captures? And what has HTC done in the past
few years in regards to this perceived CV issue? That's what I thought.
Ultimately, I guess the ball is in his court to decide whether it is an issue or not, but so far, it doesn't appear to be ...