Author Topic: dear aces high  (Read 18551 times)

Offline Getback

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #195 on: March 01, 2011, 12:09:34 AM »
Not even close to the crux.

IF what you state was the case DMGOD would have been telling the other side where his CV's are.
My involvement in this thread has nothing to do about how to control CV's. That would be an internal country argument. This is all about the unhidden completely unacceptable behavior of changing side, and then being completely disloyal to your new country  and trying to go around the game rules by telling your original side where the CV is.

As I said hiding a  cv is a perfectly legit tactic. Changing sides to find a CV is not. You may wish to discus the methods of how it is decided when or when not to hide a CV and what methods determine how this is done. But again it has nothing to do with the abuse of the system that DMGOD has done.


To be honest I never thought of it as looking at another's hand. Good point. However, whenever I've seen an NOE going to my former country I have not given notice to my former country. Why the distinction? Not sure, both in the same category I recon. Since you have pointed it out I will refrain in the future.

But uh I do have one question. Where's the rule book for game play?

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Offline Banshee7

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #196 on: March 01, 2011, 12:32:47 AM »
Silly, it's because the "Jokers" have more rights to decide what to use the equipment for in the game than does DMGOD. We all know what he'd do with it! Something stupid like bring it with-in range of a 5 minute flight to an enemy base to start something stupid like a furball of something. jeeeezzzz  Banshee pay attention!   :P

Next thing you know we'll be asking the "little generals" what plane we can fly and how high. Wouldn't want to upset their plans for world domination!

Ok, glad to know I was on the same page, because that is exactly what I was hinting at.
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Offline DMGOD

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #197 on: March 01, 2011, 12:49:04 AM »
Not even close to the crux.

IF what you state was the case DMGOD would have been telling the other side where his CV's are.
My involvement in this thread has nothing to do about how to control CV's. That would be an internal country argument. This is all about the unhidden completely unacceptable behavior of changing side, and then being completely disloyal to your new country  and trying to go around the game rules by telling your original side where the CV is.

As I said hiding a  cv is a perfectly legit tactic. Changing sides to find a CV is not. You may wish to discus the methods of how it is decided when or when not to hide a CV and what methods determine how this is done. But again it has nothing to do with the abuse of the system that DMGOD has done.


In my defense. I AM NOT THE 1st to do this (nor will I probably be the last). To the best of my knowledge NO WHERE IS IT STATED (prior to ur post from today) that my actions where considered cheating by HTC. As I have stated in my last post, HAD I KNOWN IT WAS CONSIDERED CHEATING BY HTC, I WOULD NOT HAVE DONE WHAT I DID. So you sir (hitech) posted that if I'd stop insinuating and admit to what I did you would mute me. Being an honest individual and (despite what the majority of people think of me) a man I, told you the truth ( from what I understand I could have kept my big mouth shut and avoided a mute and the character abuse i took afterwords ) and welcomed my punishment.
Hitech, I am consumed with the game you have allowed me to participate and enjoy for the past couple of years. I appreciate you allowing me to participate in what you and ur team have developed. You have quenched my thirst to fly WWII airplanes of which I have been obsessed with since i was about 9 years old ( 34 now ). I have met a lot of people who I consider GREAT friends and pretty much family and for the most part would, stop what I am doing to assist in any manner they deem me fit to help them with.
Bottom line sir, You can choose to put any and all blame upon me, call me whatever you would like, ban from ur game. I assure you sir I am not the problem and when or if you ban me or I (which I doubt I ever will) quit this game, the problem will not be solved. People are going to do what I did or way worse but, I am willing to bet everything I am and have that they will not own up to it.
I am not challenging ur authority nor did I admit to what, I did in defiance of you or your staff. I admitted to what I did because I did not know you considered it cheating and I figured by telling the truth hopefully we can settle some underlining issues that a lot of us have with current game play

Because every pretty girl deserves to go to a ball.

This is the smartest saying ever, period. nothing beats it if you really look deep into he meaning. your a g*&da^*genius dmgod  :aok

Offline 321BAR

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #198 on: March 01, 2011, 01:08:21 AM »
except for HiTech owning DMGOD endlessly...

this thread's derailed and i can see alot of different opinions here that probably shouldn't be said...

Now where's my damn popcorn? :headscratch:
I am in need of a new epic quote
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Offline Noir

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #199 on: March 01, 2011, 01:51:49 AM »
I didn't read it all but I find a few points striking...

If you switched sides just to announced a CV's position, you should be .reported (taking away chat privs for a week) and shunned by the community.

It is really is a low life thing to do.

If a country wishes to hide a CV, it's their choice.


Allowing to use .report for something that is not related to text abuse is downright dangerous for the game IMO. This can be abused by large groups of players to get there own way in the arena, and it will be hard to actually decide if its abuse of the command or not.

This thread is another fine example why a max life  span of a CV without it's corresponding port could make sense ;)

Give the man a keg!! That makes sence from the game dynamics point of view, and its also realistic. 1 hour seems like a fair amount of time to try and reverse the situation. An additionnal fleet status indicator in the ports would be great also.
now posting as SirNuke

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #200 on: March 01, 2011, 02:48:47 AM »
Am I going to have to spell it out for you all?  SUBMARINE.  Give it sonar that blips dots that represent fleets within an acceptable range.  Armed with torpedoes to sink them, and also report location of fleets to friendlies.  No need to switch sides you already have the cloak and dagger equipment.  :rock

Offline Crash Orange

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #201 on: March 01, 2011, 02:58:41 AM »
Hiding CV's is like popping the basketball (soccer, kickball, etc) so the other kids in recess can't play with it while you go to lunch.

No it isn't. You only have one football in the game, popping or hiding it stops everyone from playing, but there are dozens or even hundreds of bases on each AH map. Hiding one CV doesn't stop fighting over the other 199 bases. It's more like playing 8-ball and blocking a corner pocket with one of your balls so the other guy can't use it. Some people might call that lame, others just call it good strategy. Either way, it's not comparable to playing against the team you're on.

I don't know why people seem to think that hiding a CV inhibits combat. Are 50 people doing nothing but sitting in the tower because that one CV is out of action? The point of hiding a CV isn't to prevent combat, it's to shift the combat to a place and situation more favorable to the owning side. If people wan to fight, they'll fight. The combat will go on.

Im no expert but all the shows and movies ive seen on the military channel and other channels about WWII have never shown anyone moving and hiding the cv. What would have happened if we did that at midway or Pearl ?

Umm... we'd win? Pearl Harbor was a strategic loss for Japan because the CVs weren't home. Midway was an American victory because the CVs weren't where the Japanese thought they were.

Anyway, smart war fighting doesn't have much to do with good game play. The same goes for spying, ganging, hordeing, or whatever: whether it happened in the war doesn't mean anything about whether it's unsportsmanlike in a game.

So if I log on and some little "general" has decided for what ever reason that the CVs he has tucked away in the corner of the map are going to stay there, and he has the "rank" to back this up, it's OK for him to do that, even tho I'm paying the same $15 he is.

That's the way the game works. If you log on and some idiot is running the CV right into a PT spawn swarming with enemy PTs or refusing to turn it to avoid buffs or a SB, and he has the rank to back it up, that's the way the game works too. You can (politely) PM the amateur admiral or go on country and tell him you think his CV strategy stinks if you want. If enough people agree, he might be persuaded to give it up. Then again he might not. But it isn't okay to cheat just because you're not getting your way about CV deployment, whatever the nature of your grievance.

Also, of course, we're not talking about DMGOD disagreeing with how someone on his own side is using CVs (or not). He didn't like how the other side was using its CV. That's none of his business. If it's a bish CV it's for the bish to decide whether and how it gets used to attack.

There are two separate issues here: (1) Whether hiding CVs is lame game play, and (2) does lame game play by one person justify cheating by another? We can disagree about (1), but as far as I'm concerned (2) is a no-brainer: NO. And switching sides so you can sabotage your new teammates is a form of cheating. Hitech apparently agrees.

Offline Lusche

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #202 on: March 01, 2011, 02:59:17 AM »
I didn't read it all but I find a few points striking...

Allowing to use .report for something that is not related to text abuse is downright dangerous for the game IMO. This can be abused by large groups of players to get there own way in the arena, and it will be hard to actually decide if its abuse of the command or not.

Give the man a keg!! That makes sence from the game dynamics point of view, and its also realistic. 1 hour seems like a fair amount of time to try and reverse the situation. An additionnal fleet status indicator in the ports would be great also.

I'd say 1 hour is too short. The side should still have a huge incentive to actively go out and sink that CV. With only one hour, one can be very tempted to just hold the port until the CV magically falls in your hands. I'd favor a much longer time frame, like 3 hours. That way, the attacker that just took the port can't be sure he will get the CV in time... three hours is a a time too long to guarantee you are still owning the port at the end of it. You may be able to hold your horde together for oen hour, but three hours is often unlikely.

For the side that juts lost the port, three hours would mean most tactics are still valid. If you lost the port due to being outnumbered big time, you can still try to steer the CV away and "hide" it, until you can recapture the port at a later point. However, you can't just take the CV and sail it behind the continent which takes it out of the game almost permanently.

So I do believe such a thing would add to the battle dynamics, still allow "sound" strategies on both sides of the medal, but prevents the complete removal of CVs from the game which often happen on certain maps.
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Offline Noir

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #203 on: March 01, 2011, 04:56:14 AM »
+1, whatever keeps the CV in the game without any "cheats"
now posting as SirNuke

Offline skribetm

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #204 on: March 01, 2011, 05:09:48 AM »
why is everyone here on the BBS whining,
didnt we get the B-29 last patch?

you all should be in the LWOH dropping noooooks!

Offline HawkerMKII

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #205 on: March 01, 2011, 06:33:44 AM »
Im no expert but all the shows and movies ive seen on the military channel and other channels about WWII have never shown anyone moving and hiding the cv. What would have happened if we did that at midway or Pearl ?

Hiding the cv just takes another yet fun aspect out of the picture so all we have left is hos and hordes.

"IF" and I say IF the US had ever captured an enemy CV would they have ever used it in combat, I would think not :salute
8th of November 1965, 173RD Airborne <S>

Offline Getback

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #206 on: March 01, 2011, 06:34:41 AM »
"IF" and I say IF the US had ever captured an enemy CV would they have ever used it in combat, I would think not :salute

Nope, they would take them to a remote island and nuke them.

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Offline HawkerMKII

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #207 on: March 01, 2011, 06:43:21 AM »
I HONESTLY didn't know that switching sides and getting cv sunk was considered cheating in HTC eyes. Had I known this I wouldn't have done it. In my  5 years or so of game play here I've seen it done NUMEROUS times and to the best of my knowledge nobody has been banned from the game for doing so. So now knowing that it is considered cheating by HTC I won't be doing it again.

Now that being said, I think that HTC needs to implement someway of preventing the cv's from being hid. It seems as if a lot of players feel the same way as I do.  

Do away with all CV's, problem solved
8th of November 1965, 173RD Airborne <S>

Offline Getback

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #208 on: March 01, 2011, 06:48:33 AM »
Do away with all CV's, problem solved

I love cv battles! either from land or from the cv. Of course the puffy ack is annoying.

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Offline RobMo68

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Re: dear aces high
« Reply #209 on: March 01, 2011, 06:57:33 AM »

Look man, nobody here is saying you're a dishonest person, the fact is, you owned up to what you did, right off the bat. A truly dishonest person would have lied through his teeth even in the face of cold hard proof (screenshots' etc.) of what they did!

However, that doesn't negate what you did, IS and has ALWAYS been considered cheating. You switched sides to gain information, and relayed it back to your home team, the fact you did it to find your home teams CV is irrelevant to the issue!

Now, I'm not saying you did this, but who is to say you didn't rat out the locations of ALL the CV's and/or missions pending or inbound to your home country, or any other info that might have pertained to the other country (such as hidden CV's, missions pendind, etc.).

THAT ^^^^ is why what you did, is wrong, and can NOT be condoned as acceptable behavior! There is NO SUCH THING, AS A LIL BIT OF CHEATING, cheating is cheating <period>!

Now, that said, atleast your here to stand for your actions, and have acknowledged the consequences of said actions! Hopefully that will give you the wisdom, to NOT do it again!

Nough Said!

In my defense. I AM NOT THE 1st to do this (nor will I probably be the last). To the best of my knowledge NO WHERE IS IT STATED (prior to ur post from today) that my actions where considered cheating by HTC. As I have stated in my last post, HAD I KNOWN IT WAS CONSIDERED CHEATING BY HTC, I WOULD NOT HAVE DONE WHAT I DID. So you sir (hitech) posted that if I'd stop insinuating and admit to what I did you would mute me. Being an honest individual and (despite what the majority of people think of me) a man I, told you the truth ( from what I understand I could have kept my big mouth shut and avoided a mute and the character abuse i took afterwords ) and welcomed my punishment.
Hitech, I am consumed with the game you have allowed me to participate and enjoy for the past couple of years. I appreciate you allowing me to participate in what you and ur team have developed. You have quenched my thirst to fly WWII airplanes of which I have been obsessed with since i was about 9 years old ( 34 now ). I have met a lot of people who I consider GREAT friends and pretty much family and for the most part would, stop what I am doing to assist in any manner they deem me fit to help them with.
Bottom line sir, You can choose to put any and all blame upon me, call me whatever you would like, ban from ur game. I assure you sir I am not the problem and when or if you ban me or I (which I doubt I ever will) quit this game, the problem will not be solved. People are going to do what I did or way worse but, I am willing to bet everything I am and have that they will not own up to it.
I am not challenging ur authority nor did I admit to what, I did in defiance of you or your staff. I admitted to what I did because I did not know you considered it cheating and I figured by telling the truth hopefully we can settle some underlining issues that a lot of us have with current game play

« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 07:58:26 AM by RobMo68 »
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