If you are tired of listening to the HO whines and would like the HO % dropped to a like pure luck shot,and collisions taken out,raise your hand!There are a few out there that don't HO,but the number is small.Smaller than most will admit.I'm a terrible Ho'er but I've learned you have to use it,as most players will resort to it every time.I have had players PM me with nice HO shot,followed with a abusive insult,just after they tried to HO me,but I won the HO contest.'I prefer the nice pick PM,as that tells me I'm doing my type of flying well.
You could get in a HO shot in AW with a P38 or Skeeter now and then,but few even messed with the HO.The collision model was also right on,as I have witnessed collisions that defy explanation.Just turn them off!
Dale has it correct about pizzing the other guy off is what this sim is all about,and the HO is keeping that pizzing the other guy off,alive and well!
I would like to see it go.A guy that doesn't HO and gets a face full will learn very quickly that players in this game will use every trick in the book to get a kill!
The Dawg