Author Topic: Marlboro Ranch  (Read 12471 times)

Offline DMGOD

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Re: Marlboro Ranch
« Reply #60 on: March 10, 2011, 02:33:15 PM »
Problem is tabbacco is as lethal as a bullet in your head.  The only difference is that it happens so slowly you do not (want to) realize it.  So sombody posting pix at a ranch held buy a known killer of millions is a bit leud.  I cant post pix of an alligator killing a stupid golfer but He can post of a ranch sponsored by a company that kills millions per year.

As far as the argument for "nobody made you do it....?"  Nobody when I was growing up said "dont do it".  When I was growing up my dad smoked in the house, in the car and in the plane.  Now I smoke too.  I wish that smokes were never around.  They make arsenic and cold medicine hard to get, but because of the large donations that tobbacco companies make they can push poison all day long.  Jeezus half the crap you smoke in a ciggy they do not allow in a toxic waste dump.

Don't expect sympathy or kind regards to your vacation.  Montana is great.  I'm moving there in a couple of months. You post that crap here and chances are that sombody knows several people killed buy these sacks.  Your posting pix that remind alot of people about the deaths of their loved ones that were lied to.
lol ur trying WAY too hard way too hard man thanks a lot now I gotta go smoke a ciggerette
Because every pretty girl deserves to go to a ball.

This is the smartest saying ever, period. nothing beats it if you really look deep into he meaning. your a g*&da^*genius dmgod  :aok

Offline ScottyK

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Re: Marlboro Ranch
« Reply #61 on: March 10, 2011, 10:02:34 PM »
i believe they do these retreats twice a year, usually 1 early in the year and 1 in the fall.  i work in billings (most of the guests fly into here) i see  the marlboro people picking people up all day long.

 did they give u little boxed lunches for truck ride up to the ranch Mcboi?  they usually do and give the excess lunches to us :D

  if u had a blast when there is snow, come back in the summer to late fall, PLENTY  to do  :rock
Childhood is over the moment you know your gonna die.  Fight not to Fail, or end up like the others.   In my crate, im the commander.

IGN: Scotty57

Offline xbrit

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Re: Marlboro Ranch
« Reply #62 on: March 10, 2011, 10:14:14 PM »
you was the 4th reply, and the first to mention "cigarette" er or "cigarette company"

btw xbrit, if you do have pics of your trip to USAF museum, and are gonnapost them....please make a new thread, Sir

I do have some though they are not great quality, I'll look through them and post them.