Scratching head, I don't see the problem? Why did you not go into blue?
The problem is squad camraderie. Caps ruin it if the squad is deeply intrenched in 'your' war and cannot disengaged from One arena to move to another to accomodate those left behind. Plain and simple.
It sucks to fly in another arena, separated from your dedicated wingmen and squadmates.
Caps will not force me to go into blue arena, i'd rather fly elsewhere and at times have chosen IL2 1946 sturmovik or go do other real world activities. All because of caps which will become worse.
Get it now?
The higher 80% will just ruin more squad nights. Make those who are individuals, less likely to join a squad, and perhaps less loyal to AH (perhaps).... At the most, they will camp online more often so that they can find a spot when the peak of squads get online (and this will ruin side percentages and ENY).
Hello? Knock knock...
Oh and for those other naysayers, there will always be a horde mentality when one side (bishops) always run coordinated ops against the rooks who quite frankly mostly prefer to furball. Obeservable fact.