Author Topic: cant stand the game anymore  (Read 4559 times)

Offline mtnman

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Re: cant stand the game anymore
« Reply #150 on: March 27, 2011, 10:50:35 AM »
(Image removed from quote.)  ok, your initial interjection did appear as if you were stating it was intentional.

Uncontrolled doesn't mean unintentional, does it? (I'm not implying that Hitech's brief loss of control was intentional, though)

I've never seen any plane able to do in AH what Sean Tucker can do with his biplanes in reality.  If you believe you have, I'd like some too, please.

I can get the planes to do some nice tumbling, but not at the same speed, altitude, or quickness that you see in Sean's aerobatics.  These planes are capable of some semblance of the same maneuvers, but require more speed, space, and altitude...  And, while the biplane is doing it while under control, the WWII planes require you to relinquish some level of control during some maneuvers.  That doesn't mean it isn't intentional, it just means that for some period of time you're not in control.  It doesn't mean you can't plan for it, and use it, and regain control predictably.

For a simple example, go roll some film and see what you can do, following the same space-restraints that Sean Tucker is-

See how many similar (I won't ask for identical) maneuvers you can perform in that little box.  I'd really like to see it in a P47, P51, F4U, etc, since those are the class of planes being questioned.  For help with the maneuvers, loads of info (even diagrams) are available on the web.  Here's how to do a Lomcevak-  

Good Luck!  As mentioned, you'll need a plane that can stall well inverted, and has lots of down-elevator authority.  You'll have lots more down-elevator if you trim manually, since the CT will work backwards while you're inverted.

Obviously, the space allowed is less than that over a small airfield...  Anyone know the AH runway lengths?

I can't control a bullet after it leaves the barrel, but where its final placement is still intentional.  Same goes for the basketball, since that's been brought up.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 11:27:54 AM by mtnman »

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Offline Dace

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Re: cant stand the game anymore
« Reply #151 on: March 27, 2011, 11:12:13 AM »
I think the OPs brain is melting. :)


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Re: cant stand the game anymore
« Reply #152 on: March 27, 2011, 01:46:21 PM »
There is a difference between "emptying half my ammo into the plane" and "emptying half my ammo at the plane".

Excellent point.

I've done both. Still doesnt mean the planes going down LOL
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Re: cant stand the game anymore
« Reply #153 on: March 27, 2011, 01:47:23 PM »
Who said I had control or that it was intentional? It just departs to snap roll by itself. Recover after about 1/2 snap.


How do ya think he knows that the ground hurts very much :D   :bolt:
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Offline Condor11

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Re: cant stand the game anymore
« Reply #154 on: March 28, 2011, 05:24:43 AM »
I'm not sure if its me your referring to as the F4u chasing u down, but earlier in Blue, I did the exact thing.
I was winging badace and we noted a 262 aprx 5.5k out , co alt (8k)...I'm not sure if it was you, but i was in a F4I'd and my wing in the perked hog.
He came in for me, surprisingly didn't ho../claps....and after missing his gun solution went into the vertical. I kept going straight at aprx 400 mph and extended. My wing then made a HO pass with him and neither fired, then again he pulled into a steep right bank, at which point i had already come around , again going at least 400, and when hit hit the top of your turn, all his e blown, I climbed into him from 2k out and put a 2 second burst from 6-800 out smoking his (rt?) eng. After this he extended out and we assumed, ran for home, but we noticed the smoke trail coming back around. We had a little alt adv. at this point, and we kept it as he dove for a lower  friendly (vMauri, apologize for spelling sir). The 262 missed a shot with him, and with the eng soon to run out of oil, me and my wing, followed along hi, eventually taking a heading to the nearest airfield assuming he was going there. The 262 flew threw two of his friendly v bases trying to shake VMa, and as he was nearing his friendly field, he had gained ground on vMa, and began a slow left turn to head for home. we cut him off, and from about 6k I dove straight down ahead of him, pulling out with the 262 about 600 out, speed was in excess of 500 and i gained within 1k, at which point i had to dodge a k4, and something else. Chased the 262 threw base ack, and then he made a extremely slow (guessing engine was out) right turn to try and get me back though base ack, I fired another 2 second burst landing some good hits mid fuselage. Alas he didn't go down, but then base ack finally took my wings off. I'm assuming my wing finished him off, because the whole while he stayed hi. i really don't know who the 262 was ,being i died then had to leave immediately, but respectfully whoever this was needs to learn a 262. Sharp flat turns and drastic vertical maneuvers, are a no no. While you can accelerate relatively quickly , the 1-2 second  where you slow to normal air speed, leaves u vulnerable.
Not trying to sound like a jerk, but just wanted to state that its all about the situation and the pilots involved. A plane is never guaranteed to outrun anything in every situation. Even in WW2, there were 262 pilots shot down by pony's and other planes, simply because while your obviously faster in a level flight, If a plane drops 6k , and levels right on your tail, its a high likelyhood he can keep with you a good distance....especially if you do anything other than fly level or dive.
<S> All who fight in the clouds....or on the deck...

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Offline WWhiskey

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Re: cant stand the game anymore
« Reply #155 on: March 28, 2011, 05:55:25 AM »
i ran away once i noticed the dar had 3 enemy cons,1 in visual range
Flying since tour 71.