Tongs – he’ll always “have a dip”. No matter what E state he’s at or what his own situation is, he’ll chase you and go at you without reservation. And win lose or draw, he’ll salute you and move on. Tongs will always “drop the shoulder” and have a decent scrap.
Steely – for exactly the reasons above.
Ink – for the above and his complete disregard for anything apart from throwing himself at you with everything he has. Nothing held back.
The person to be feared is the one who will go straight for the throat. The 3 above will never be number one not because of their lack of ability, but because they’re far too busy giving it 110%.
I respect the ubercrew who work the angles, weigh up the situation, commit and finish it off with superb gunnery. I fear (in game) the Aces High Visigoth with above average skills who just wants to kill you when they see you and commits to “death or glory”. Large difference.
You can fight uphill against a superb stick and lose, but that doesn’t invoke fear because the Math was completed before they even engaged. You’re just the end of the equation. Fear (virtual) is fighting in the unknown zone and finding the “other guy” knows what he’s doing and doesn’t give a toss about the outcome.