doing it live would require knowing where and how the films are cached while the game is running...sharing the folder across the network and directing the film viewer to open the active file while it is still in the proces of being created...don't think it's possible, but hey there are some people who will go to extraordinary lengths to game the game.
i doubt it's possible as well. I think it's more paranoia. lyric, as far as GV's go, you realize one guy with 1 pc can up in a vh, run film. save film. tower out. exit game, look at the film. log back in, and have the same information, right? might take one minute.
Yes I have done that my self looking for ditched aircraft in flashing radar rings. That is not what I am talking about though. The goon got the capture after I deacked & I could see on my clipboard where it was parked prior to his arrival.Paranoia is all these people in this thread thinking that every one has a second account or a squaddie that flipped sides to relay info. If some one could tell me any other method of how all the info was passed on to me from a C-47 sitting 8k away I would like to know how?
f5 + f8, and shift-f4 do wonders in a parked c47. not to 8k, as far as I can tell, but I can spot stuff from f5+f8+shift f4 from at least 3.5k+ from a parked goon or a field have film of the guy 8k away from the tanks spotting for you? somehow i doubt it since range vox is only 6k no?
Lyric 2nd account in the tower of the vbase F5, F8 and I can tell you who ups what and where they are going..... not rocket science here folks.
I really don't think it happens that often, and HTC does not allow an IP address to have two counts (as far as I know). I'm not a big fan of this idea because people will be mistaking friendlies for enemies, just like in the FSO. Now if the FSO this is generally not a problem because everyone always coordinates their tactics like in reality, in the MA most people don't do that. Don't get me wrong it's a good idea, I personally just don't really like it. Just for the record, IFF existed during WWII.
I have two accounts.
spy! !!!!
Ive always thought the nastiest thing people with 2 or more accounts coulds do, is form a squad, and with all but one of their accounts, go on the enemy side and spawn a 262 at a rear base and let it sit there, cranking up the enemy eny.