Maybe becouse it's one, if not the busiest, planes in the game to fly correctly.
FLS sir,
I read this thread as I too am interested in learning the nuances of the F4U (the -1D, in particular, as it is my carrier-borne AC of choice).
You have used this term "busy" a couple times to describe the F4U, but it begs more questions than it answers IMO.
I assume this means you are actively using flaps, gear (perhaps trim controls?), etc. more than you would on other AC. But I am more interested in understanding the hows and whys of this. How are you using them and why is this more crucial in the Corsair (making it a more difficult AC to master) as opposed to another AC that is "less busy"?
Could you give a detailed description of what you are doing differently (and
why) in an F4U, say in a turning engagement with a Spit, compared to what the "less busy" Spit pilot might be doing in the same engagement?
Any examples in this vein would be greatly appreciated.