Lately I've been flying around and have been noticing 200 more and more. I have come to the conclusion this game has more stereotypes then any other game I've ever played, so I figured why not waste my time at work and jolt down a few stereotypes I've come across.
Arm Chair General
I'm sure we have all seen this, usually an underage with a high pitch voice whose wing pylons generally hold 2 x clearasil sticks and a drop tank.
Usually on the range/country channel trying to "general" the war even though everyone else has already .squelch.
Mainly the Hipsters believe one plane beats everything else in the sky and go full blown olympic retard trying to defend such plane. Sure we all are fond of a certain aircraft, however its not a religion its a cartoon aircraft.
Score Tards
In case you are wondering, you are only looked up to by those flying with clearasil sticks. These generally only vulch, hide in the hordes - and pick from above the clouds. You generally will never find them turning and burning, god forbids you shoot one down then its a mass execution on 200 about how you HO'ed/Picked/Rammed.
Some men are still stuck in basements while the parents live upstairs, sitting behind a computer and flaming just about everyone on the internet. You can easily find them on 200, complaining about everything when I mean everything I mean everything. Bad part about this group is the fact most are older then 18 and sometimes laugh when I see a Squeaker govern himself more mature then these tards. Even worse they are capable of breeding.
Fun Police
This group tends to enjoy busting a good furball up by bombing an entire base to oblivion. Why? Because the fight that was once their way suddenly turned opposite and now they decide to seek revenge. Same for those during a good GV fight, they get killed in their little M8 and decide its time to bomb every GV in sight.
Generally the ones who think they are the best pilot in the game, and just about 98% of the Arena can vouch otherwise. Not talking about an actual good sticks, but someone who shoots the mouth on 200 and ends up not evening going to the DA. Usually this group would have either a horrible K/D ratio and just shoot the mouth, or sit in the hordes to rack up a 50 K/D and claim to be anything good.
Class Acts
We all know this very small or tiny group of pilots who are just outstanding people to fly around. Willing to help you any chance possible even if it means they get killed, or just willing to help you period with some films or trip to the TA.
Other 20% of the Arena
Mainly just guys who get off work, up a plane with a beer in hand and really don't care if they score 50 K/D or take 20 bases. Frankly I find some of the best pilots in this class, and generally a mixture of other stereotypes, but nothing that stands out. Someone willing to drive you supplies, however will whine ocasionally if Ho'd.
Not sure what other Stereotypes I've seen, but being bored at work during downtime I figured someone might get a laugh out of this hopefully.
Have a great day, and ser in the skies!