I'm using the older TrackIR 3. I've refused to move to 6-axis vector view until this release of the game 2.24. I liked the 2-axis paning which inherited the stored view angles in your hps files. But, it seems to no longer be available. So... I downloaded 5.3 of the TrackIR software. Moved my camera back to 30-32 inches from my hat and put the 3-dot hat clip on.
I want to play the game more than I have any interest in not adapting to how it changes over the years. And Oh how Hitech and Pyro change it whether we like it or not.
Inside of the 5.3 GUI is an option called PANO. It gives you a spit cockpit to test your 6-axis view control in. I was surprised how well the old TrackIR3 worked with it. You will need to adjust the smoothing to max and set the type from 1:1 to Fast. So I went into the game and had to learn HowTo use 6-axis viewing.
1. I deleted all of my hps files from the AcesHigh\settings\planes directory. Save off a copy of them before deleting. The F10 saved views were conflicting with the smooth motion of my TrackIR axis. In some aircraft I had to hit Ctrl-F5 then raise the gunsight graticle a bit becausee the default head position is too low. Ta152 is really bad. F10 to save, then Ctrl-F1 to resume TrackIR.
2. If you created a (rear6-view) that you held down the Num-2 key, then pulled yourself forward to the instrament panel with an arrow key, sideways to the plexeglass with an arrow key, and up to clear the rear side stantions with a Page-up key, then F10'd to save it. In 6-axis TrackIR you lean forward, turn and lean your head to the canopy and then look back over your shoulder.
It is exactly like doing it strapped into a fighter cockpit. I remember because I lived in Luton England as a small boy and got a chance to sit in a spitfire cockpit in 1961 near Dunstable Downs southern Bedfordshire. They had to stack a few books on the seat to get my head up high enough. You don't just swivle your head around and "Not" look straight into the head rest. The Hurrican's cockpit is simply a bad design for rearward viewing. Thats why it had that big mirorr on top.
You need to get your camera far enough away from you that it slows down rather than exagerates your head and body motions. Then you need to practice a bit looking over your shoulder as if you were realy sitting in a small cramped cockpit. You cannot just turn your head to look back and down along the side of the deck. Yo have to lean your torso to help get your head around.
It's taken me 30minutes offline and a night of furballing to adjust to 6-axis TrackIR viewing.