Author Topic: how the vdudes kill someone  (Read 2704 times)

Offline Raphael

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2011, 07:13:15 PM »
well just to say here, if you feel like you need a good figth you can go to the duel arena and set up all your rules on a duel.
This game Simulates war(in the MA's i mean)  and you cant expect anything good from your enemy.
for instance, when i play if i see someone with a dead engine, PW, half a wing etc i let the guy ditch or go home but i never expect for the other guys to do the same, i expect them to B&Z, HO, Run etc and of course that i do like those players that play nicely but they shouldnt expect any sportsmanship or take anything personal here. I do get mad sometimes at beeing outnumbered and B&Zed for half an hour but then its time to take a break, log off, go the the duel arena or even go play another game for a while. you can say a lot of stuff on 200 and PMs too its part of the fun. but just KNOW that you shouldnt have expected anything from any enemy. if you want sportsmanship get on a duel, even place a bet on money  :D

EDIT: and to recover the topic, great flying there Debrody!
Remember 08/08/2012
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2011, 07:36:05 PM »
my original question about what was wrong with the Vdudes wasent to you originally, it was to everyone else taking a shot at them.

then you suddenly take offence to it.

i respond.

now your still taking offence to it.

but hey, keep thumping your chest bro let me congratz you on being a cartoon ace  :aok

This from the guy that spent his first month on the boards bragging about how good he was and and when challanged by AK-AK to fight put him off for weeks and then finally fought only to have his  :ahand time and time again. And what did he do when AK-AK tried to help him and explain what he was doing wrong, he logged, and ran to the boards to trash AK-AK.

tyrannis, i can answer your question. The reason that the "vTards" get picked on/judged is because alot of people have to have something to thump their chest about. Some say that we are a bunch of little babies that can only take undefended bases and can only ho shot and whatnot. They also say that the it takes 5 "vTards" to equal the skill of 1 average pilot. This all comes back to some of those people that have to have something to whine about. Yeah it gets annoying and aggravating sometimes, but i dont let it get to me, just like vWNTRGRN doesnt let it get to him. In fact, sometimes i call vWNTRGRN on the phone just to let him know about a new way we mad someone mad or frustrated, just so later that night we can get the whole squad together and go do whatever it was that made that person whine so much.

The main reason you see so many people whining about how we play, is because we dont play the way they want us to. Yeah there are alot of us that will HO shot you, especially if there is something going on that we dont want you to find out about, we will ho shot you just so you dont have a chance to find out whats going on or about to go on.

Then you have the people that just simply judge the whole squad over something one person does or did. for instance, in that video, vALERIC was shot down, so whats everyone else going to do, well their going to assume that the whole squad has the same skill level.

There are a few people that i have respect for in this game, and if their on this BBS then thier most likely not one of them, but there is a slim few on here that i have respect for, a very slim few.

As for you, tyrannis and Raphel, i  :salute you for not judging us for the way we like to have fun.

The bolded areas above are some of the reasons your squad gets the crap that they do. Takes a lot of "class" and "good gamesmenship" to go out of your way to make some players whine. The same goes for the HOs, if more of your squad learn to fight they could still accomplish the mission of "not letting us see what we shouldn't see" but make the game more fun instead of more frustrating. More and more players in your squad continue to show these same attributes and so yes everyone believes that most in your squad are skilless and look to avoid a fight either by ganging, or running away.

But hey, it's your $15 and obviously you couldn't care less about a reputation, so play the way you want. The rest of us will believe and type what we want.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 07:38:19 PM by The Fugitive »

Offline Rob52240

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2011, 08:06:17 PM »
The bolded areas above are some of the reasons your squad gets the crap that they do. Takes a lot of "class" and "good gamesmenship" to go out of your way to make some players whine. The same goes for the HOs, if more of your squad learn to fight they could still accomplish the mission of "not letting us see what we shouldn't see" but make the game more fun instead of more frustrating. More and more players in your squad continue to show these same attributes and so yes everyone believes that most in your squad are skilless and look to avoid a fight either by ganging, or running away.

But hey, it's your $15 and obviously you couldn't care less about a reputation, so play the way you want. The rest of us will believe and type what we want.

I don't get this whole "it's always wrong to HO someone" concept.  After all, it takes two planes to be head on in the first place.  If I'm in a 110, P-38, B-25 or handfull of other planes, I'll probably HO at every opportunity just because with some planes, it will be the best chance at surviving.

While I'm posting, is there anything else that really annoys anyone?  I'm trying to plan some missions out in advance and could use the advice.
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

Offline Tyrannis

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #33 on: May 20, 2011, 08:24:24 PM »
This from the guy that spent his first month on the boards bragging about how good he was and and when challanged by AK-AK to fight put him off for weeks and then finally fought only to have his  :ahand time and time again. And what did he do when AK-AK tried to help him and explain what he was doing wrong, he logged, and ran to the boards to trash AK-AK.

oh, how your facts are so wrong.

but coming from someone who had to make a cartoon as an attempt to insult me, im not suprised.

Offline Raphael

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #34 on: May 20, 2011, 08:49:29 PM »
Rob, you are 100% rigth. IT TAKES 2 PEOPLE FOR A HO TO HAPPEN! it IS that simple
Remember 08/08/2012
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Offline Debrody

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2011, 08:54:36 PM »
Dear Tyrannis. NOONE want to insult NOONE here, cant you imagine this??? Plz stay silent. You started all the flaming with your 1st post.
I been thinking about it. Those dudes werent trying to run away, like many-many others would do. Thats why it was a way better fight than the most i have in AH. I was trying to avoid the head ons as i could, i wasnt good enough. Gunna try harder next time. But still laughing at Aleric how much he wanted the kill on me  : )
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2011, 09:42:33 PM »
oh, how your facts are so wrong.

but coming from someone who had to make a cartoon as an attempt to insult me, im not suprised.

First off, I never said it was you, I think you might be getting a "big head" here claiming it is about you.

Second if I ever wanted to insult you I'd do it standing right in front of you so there would be no mistaking my intent.

Third, all my cartoons are done in fun with no ill will meant toward anyone, whether they think a cartoon is about them or not.

Have a nice day  :aok

Offline Melvin

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2011, 09:47:32 PM »
Rob, you are 100% rigth. IT TAKES 2 PEOPLE FOR A HO TO HAPPEN! it IS that simple

100% wrong.

When someone is wrapped up in an engagement with several others the choice of his flight pattern is somewhat (if not completely) dictated by the moves of his opponents.

When the HO shooter decides to drop in and give the hapless victim a facial it is because the HO shooter is either:

A) Skilless
B) Skilless
C) Skilless
D) Stunned that he finally got someone in his sights and just sprays and prays.

Take your pick.

Some people prefer to hold fire because, after all, this is a game that we play. The object of games is for people to enjoy themselves, not behave in a manner to purposely anger the people they are playing with.

If numerous opponents can't get the job done without the constant spray and pray, it says volumes about skill level.

I wonder how long a new customer would stick around if they were constantly treated to such turd-punchery.

Anyway it's your money and if weak kills are what makes your minerals feel bigger then have at it.

I can't believe Fugitive hit the nail on the head for once.

See Rule #4

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2011, 09:51:05 PM »
The bolded areas above are some of the reasons your squad gets the crap that they do. Takes a lot of "class" and "good gamesmenship" to go out of your way to make some players whine. The same goes for the HOs, if more of your squad learn to fight they could still accomplish the mission of "not letting us see what we shouldn't see" but make the game more fun instead of more frustrating. More and more players in your squad continue to show these same attributes and so yes everyone believes that most in your squad are skilless and look to avoid a fight either by ganging, or running away.

But hey, it's your $15 and obviously you couldn't care less about a reputation, so play the way you want. The rest of us will believe and type what we want.

I don't get this whole "it's always wrong to HO someone" concept.  After all, it takes two planes to be head on in the first place.  If I'm in a 110, P-38, B-25 or handfull of other planes, I'll probably HO at every opportunity just because with some planes, it will be the best chance at surviving.

While I'm posting, is there anything else that really annoys anyone?  I'm trying to plan some missions out in advance and could use the advice.

That's the difference between someone who wants a kill as apposed to someone who wants a fight. You want to cruise around and try to HO everyone with your 110 go right ahead. It's one of the traits I, as well as many others have noticed about a lot of players in your squad. They seem to spend most of their "E" trying to pull their noses about to HO the other plane. Players who know better will of course avoid the HO move and continue on to rack up another quick kill and then continue on in search of someone who wants a fight.

Offline Raphael

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2011, 10:17:17 PM »
100% wrong.

When someone is wrapped up in an engagement with several others the choice of his flight pattern is somewhat (if not completely) dictated by the moves of his opponents.

When the HO shooter decides to drop in and give the hapless victim a facial it is because the HO shooter is either:

A) Skilless
B) Skilless
C) Skilless
D) Stunned that he finally got someone in his sights and just sprays and prays.

Take your pick.

Some people prefer to hold fire because, after all, this is a game that we play. The object of games is for people to enjoy themselves, not behave in a manner to purposely anger the people they are playing with.

If numerous opponents can't get the job done without the constant spray and pray, it says volumes about skill level.

I wonder how long a new customer would stick around if they were constantly treated to such turd-punchery.

Anyway it's your money and if weak kills are what makes your minerals feel bigger then have at it.

I can't believe Fugitive hit the nail on the head for once.

It still takes both people for the HO to happen.
Remember 08/08/2012
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Offline Melvin

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #40 on: May 20, 2011, 10:19:13 PM »
See Rule #4

Offline Rob52240

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2011, 10:58:27 PM »
Not only does it take 2 to HO, both pilots should be aware that they are asking for face full of lead.

heres the film of it.
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

Offline Melvin

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #42 on: May 20, 2011, 11:05:25 PM »
While I disagree with you on the HO issue, that was a tasty vid.  :aok
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Offline Rob52240

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2011, 11:17:17 PM »
Well we have disagreements on here.
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

Offline Tyrannis

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Re: how the vdudes kill someone
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2011, 11:30:49 PM »
First off, I never said it was you, I think you might be getting a "big head" here claiming it is about you.

Second if I ever wanted to insult you I'd do it standing right in front of you so there would be no mistaking my intent.

Third, all my cartoons are done in fun with no ill will meant toward anyone, whether they think a cartoon is about them or not.

Have a nice day  :aok
no, you didnt say it was straight up to me.

but it was pretty obvious.

learn to lie better  ;)