Wow, those flap speeds could make this even more fun then I was thinking.
Yup. Don't forget about the slats too, almost the Grumman Tomcat of its day

Well, we can dream can't we

I figure the ability to drop that Fowler flap and slats at a medium speed, plus the very long reaching armament and excellent energy retention might compensate for the mediocre climb rate. What do you reckon?
Dunno what the longest is, but I've downed a fleeing P-51D at about 1000 yards. I don't think I'd have taken that shot in a Whirlwind though as it doesn't have the Mosquito's ammo load.
Do we know what the maximum range of the Hispano is as modelled in game? I heard some rounds cease to exist after a certain distance. I've also snipped a P-51D wing off with a P-39's 37-mm once at 1000 yards indicated. Was the last round too. He was also fleeing. Strange

I was wondering if some of you fellow fans of the Westland Whirlwind might consider appending this to your signatures to show support (and naturally display your fine taste in aircraft

). It's mixed black and white to reflect the underside paint job:-
(center))Westland Whirlwind(color=white) Appreciation Society(/color)(/center)
Just replace each curved bracket with its equivalent square one to get this:-
Westland Whirlwind Appreciation Society