The P38 is amongst the worst turning aircraft in the game. You can find the charts at the AH Trainers website.
Without flaps it is, but with the aid of flaps it was quite maneuverable in both real life and in game.
Vs the Zeke's the best attribute the P38 has was speed and a matching or slightly better climb.
The P-38 outclassed the Zeke in every aspect but turn. A P-38 was able to turn with a Zeke for 1-2 turns, if the Lightning didn't get a kill in that time all the pilot would need to do is enter into a shallow climb, extend out of gun range and the enter into a shallow spiral climb to regain the advantage and reset the fight. By the way, this was a tactic used by USAAF and USN, regardless of the plane was flown, whether it be a P-38 or a Hellcat.
The USN's F6F's had more kills that the USAAF's P38's.
The P-38 had more kills of any of the USAAF planes and also out of the USAAF planes, fielded the most aces in the PTO. The P-38, along other planes like the P-40, P-39 and Wildcat broke the IJAF and IJNAF's back between 1942-1943 in the Southwest and Central Pacific area. The Hellcat appeared at the time both the IJAAF and IJNAF started to decline in both pilot and ground crew quality, which culminated in the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot during the Battle of the Philippine Sea. The Hellcat was like the P-51D in the ETO, a little too late to party for the fighting but early enough to grab the glory.
The P38 needs speed and alt to be in its prime.
All planes need speed to be in its prime, the P-38 isn't special in this area.
Get it below 250mph and below 2000ft it is quite handicapped.
Maybe for someone like yourself that isn't very good in a P-38 and doesn't quite know how to fly one, being under 250mph IAS or below 2,000ft would be handicapped but those that know how to fly the P-38 properly, being low and slow in a Lightning isn't handicapping to us at all.