where are you getting your facts regarding the P-38's besting the F4U series or the F6f series against a6m series?
I thought the F6f held the best kill ratio
some facts stating otherwise would be nice to read
Indeed TC, the F6F shot down more Japanese aircraft than the P-38, P-47 and P-51 COMBINED! During the war, the F6F kill to loss ratio was 19/1.
McCampbell, the Navy's highest scoring ace, ran up his 34 kills in just one carrier deployment (about 6 months), whereas Bong needed four times that duration (a month shy of two years) to reach 34. Also, on October 24, 1944, during a single sortie, McCampbell shot down 9 fighters, with two probables (seen on fire, but not seen to crash). His wingman splashed 6, with another 3 damaged. McCampbell's 9 kills was the single sortie record for the Allies. He briefly led Bong, but he was unable to go for the record when his air group (which he commanded), rotated off of Essex and returned to the States. McCampbell was also the only American pilot to shoot down 5 or more on two occasions.