Author Topic: Spit 12  (Read 5423 times)

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #90 on: May 29, 2011, 01:36:00 AM »
no, i get what your saying. the point im trying to make tho is whats not being understood. im saying some planes should be banned from being flown from the furball bases. due to balance issues. get rid of the spit16&temp, and the furball lake would be so much funner. (before someone repeats what gumpy is whining about, ive shot down plenty of temps/spit16s. im saying they should be banned because whenever furball lake gets crowded, and a good furball gets going, it seems the people who get shot down run straight for the 16/temp. its ether spit16s hording 1 plane at a time. or temp alt monkies 10k above you waiting to pick you while your trying to fight off the spits)

LOL, so you decide to go into the furball lake  after midnight when its passed most of the spitdweebs bedtimes? wtg, thats a 100% accurate observation of the DA without any bias thrown in.  :rolleyes:

LOL I see there is a Spit centric time and I missed it.  I got in there for C Hog hour then?  I was told quite specifically by the DA furball lake guys that anything goes, and that they don't fight alone.  It's all SA you know :)
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Offline gyrene81

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #91 on: May 29, 2011, 01:42:19 AM »
no, i get what your saying. the point im trying to make tho is whats not being understood. im saying some planes should be banned from being flown from the furball bases. due to balance issues. get rid of the spit16&temp, and the furball lake would be so much funner. (before someone repeats what gumpy is whining about, ive shot down plenty of temps/spit16s. im saying they should be banned because whenever furball lake gets crowded, and a good furball gets going, it seems the people who get shot down run straight for the 16/temp. its ether spit16s hording 1 plane at a time. or temp alt monkies 10k above you waiting to pick you while your trying to fight off the spits)
and your point is completely ridiculous...if your fun is being spoiled at dweeb lake, don't be a dweeb and whine about it...go to the late war arenas. it takes as much or less time to get into a fight in the lwma's as it does to fly from one the rook base at dweeb lake to the point directly between the knit and bish bases.

if the 16 wasn't there you would be wanting to ban the spit14s, or the spit8s, then the 5s...stop your whining, and learn to fly better.
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Offline Tyrannis

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #92 on: May 29, 2011, 02:18:49 AM »
and your point is completely ridiculous...if your fun is being spoiled at dweeb lake, don't be a dweeb and whine about it...go to the late war arenas. it takes as much or less time to get into a fight in the lwma's as it does to fly from one the rook base at dweeb lake to the point directly between the knit and bish bases.

if the 16 wasn't there you would be wanting to ban the spit14s, or the spit8s, then the 5s...stop your whining, and learn to fly better.
ok, oh wise one.

tell me how to fly better against a spit horde of 6-8 spit16s and win without saying stuff like "dont go into the DA" or "dont engage them"

i cant wait to hear your responce.  ;)

Offline nrshida

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #93 on: May 29, 2011, 02:33:04 AM »
If I may make an observation about the furball lake, removing any of the Spitfire marks would only make the prison gang-centred players pick the next best aircraft for their activities. It still doesn't address the underlying motivation for the prison gang approach.

If I encounter the Spitfire Mark XVI at the lake, especially a pair winging together at least I know they are going to stick it out and give a proper ACM / turnfight. In my humble opinion the typical Tempest pilots are a considerably larger nuisance, endlessly looping through a cluster of fighting aircraft and taking pot shots on other engaged aircraft at little danger to themselves. This pattern is the real fight spoiler.

However I don't suggest the Tempest be removed either, then you would deny the masters such as Diktater, who will turn with anything. I would recommend anyone to try and fight him to see what that aircraft is actually capable of.

Tailoring the planeset will not shift the paradigm of behaviour at the furball lake. That would take something like removing the landed victories system messages or disabling the score or a cultural change. This discussion however should really be a separate thread.

+1 on any new fighter aircraft!

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Offline Tyrannis

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #94 on: May 29, 2011, 03:35:40 AM »
If I may make an observation about the furball lake, removing any of the Spitfire marks would only make the prison gang-centred players pick the next best aircraft for their activities. It still doesn't address the underlying motivation for the prison gang approach.

If I encounter the Spitfire Mark XVI at the lake, especially a pair winging together at least I know they are going to stick it out and give a proper ACM / turnfight. In my humble opinion the typical Tempest pilots are a considerably larger nuisance, endlessly looping through a cluster of fighting aircraft and taking pot shots on other engaged aircraft at little danger to themselves. This pattern is the real fight spoiler.

However I don't suggest the Tempest be removed either, then you would deny the masters such as Diktater, who will turn with anything. I would recommend anyone to try and fight him to see what that aircraft is actually capable of.

Tailoring the planeset will not shift the paradigm of behaviour at the furball lake. That would take something like removing the landed victories system messages or disabling the score or a cultural change. This discussion however should really be a separate thread.

+1 on any new fighter aircraft!

actually, i have fought diktator in my p38.

he himself is not above the dweebish antics temp pilots perform.

about a month&half ago, was in furball lake around noonish. diktator& a friend(footloose i think) were paired up in temps. they stayed way above the fight zone, circling until they found a lone plane, than BnZ that one plane until it was down.

i had a fellow knight in a pony trying to fight this all off at the time, i had just upped in my 38.  i saw 3 dots going at it at the edge of the lake so i flew in that direction, in which i saw 2 temps BnZ'ing my countryman. so i flew over to assist him.

i guess footloose got nervous about another plane evening the odds, because he broke from there usual BnZ tactic, and proceded to chase the mustang into a dive, the mustang pulled up, hanging footlooses temps allmost right infront of my gunsight, short burst&he was down. sadly tho as i was downing footlooses temp, diktator had zoomed down at the mustang. so now it was pretty much 1v1.

the fight started out in the vertical which escalated to a turn first i started to get the upper hand on him, but he switched back to the vertical real fast, i stalled out. he got a quick shot on me shooting off an elevator.

it turned back into a turning fight.  i guess from the lack of an elevator i couldnt turn as well, because he started to outturn me.
but then he suddenly just broke off, dived down and headed straight for his base on the deck, i gave chase. hitting WEP to try to keep up with the running tempy. i couldnt figure out why he was running home until
i checked my 6 and realized footloose was back up in his tempy &coming in to pick me. i played dumb, acted like i didnt know. waited till he came screaming down at me, happened to pull a hard left to dodge his pick as diktator was actually turning left. had him in my gunsights, took the shot& downed him by shooting his wing off.
after i downed him i didnt really have enough ammo left to deal with footloose, so i went low to the water&booked it for home, he saw me, but luckily i had friendlies in the area who engaged him before he could get to me.

ive flown with&against diktator. he's allright. but not without his own dweebery.

Offline nrshida

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #95 on: May 29, 2011, 03:57:14 AM »
I can't really discuss the specifics of an engagement I didn't witness. My experience of Diktator is that he generally adapts to the magnitude of lameness currently in operation, or rather prevalent for the session he is flying. If you find him alone and merge you will generally get a very good fight, of course he's not going to engage in a sustained turn fight with a superior turner. I have had him disengage when one of his fellow countrymen joined in so as to not turn it into a 2 on 1. He is a skilful, wily and respected opponent.

My point was there are those who rely on skill and intelligence that even fly the Tempest, thus it is difficult to generalise according to plane choice. I would redirect my energies from campaigning against specific aircraft and focus on your ACM Tyrannis, if I were you.

The answer to your question to Gyrene about how fight against 6-8 Spit16s and win is that you accept you are going to die, and make them work very very hard for it in the hope that at least one of them will realise the difference between results and skill.

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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #96 on: May 29, 2011, 04:35:15 AM »

i said the spit16hordes were becoming a nuicense.

Learn to counter a Spitfire (any model) and they won't be such a problem.  

skorpion suggest a 109f4 could give a spit16 "Serious trouble" in a fight.

so i offered him the chance to prove this statement in a 1v1 with me, his 109f4 vs my spit16.

A properly flown Bf 109F (or any other plane for that matter) is more than able to give a Spitfire XVI "serious trouble" in a fight, especially if the Bf 109F driver is more experienced.  If equal pilots, then the Spitfire XVI should come out on top as long as the Spitfire driver doesn't get suckered into flying the Bf 109F's game.  

The mistake that you are making and others make it too, is that you seem to think it's the plane that will decide the outcome of the fight regardless of who is at the controls.  Your assumption that the Bf 109F will not be able to offer any serious challenge to the Spitfire XVI just proves that point.  In your mind, you think that since the Spitfire XVI is the better plane on paper that it would automatically win.  This is the reason why you die so easily when you hop into a fighter because your line of thinking is incorrect.  

It's the pilot, not the plane.  Once you come to realize this and start to make an effort to learn basic flight maneuvers and then ACM, you'll find that the Spitfire XVI isn't the Boogie Man you thought it was and you woulnd't feel the need to request to have to all Spitfire Mks removes save the Mk I

i dont want the spit16 at all, im merely giving him the chance to prove what he's saying.

It's not going to prove anything because he's not very good, neither are you but I don't know which of the two of you are better than the other so I'm giving the one driving the Spitfire edge in your duel.  Find someone like Eagler or AKElfy and ask them for a Bf 109F vs. Spitfire XVI duel.

and this statement right here tells me your not a DA regular  :uhoh

Whether or not Corky is a DA regular isn't even germane and just an attempt to try and avoid his point.  Corky knows what he's talking about, he's been leaving plane parts all over the virtual unfriendly skies far longer than you've been alive.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 04:39:13 AM by Ack-Ack »
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Offline gyrene81

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #97 on: May 29, 2011, 07:24:24 AM »
ok, oh wise one.

tell me how to fly better against a spit horde of 6-8 spit16s and win without saying stuff like "dont go into the DA" or "dont engage them"

i cant wait to hear your responce.  ;)
i don't know if you've ever heard the term "realistic expectations" or not but, from everything you have state in this thread, it appears that you have unrealistic expectations. i despise spixteens as much as you do...and anyone i encounter in one i consider a noob because i know how easy it is to get kills in...funny thing is, the 8 and 9 are even easier but, i wouldn't expect the noobs in dweeb lake to know that.

how do you fight any horde? doesn't matter if it's 16s or stukas...if you're alone against numbers, with very few exceptions, unless you're flying the aircraft to its advantages, and forcing the opponents to fight on your terms, you're going down. as nrshida said, go into the horde expecting to get shot down and do your best to show them the difference between skill and dweebery.

you need to know your plane, the p-38 like many others is an energy fighter, not a turn n burner...the fact that you allow yourself to be drawn into turn fights tells me you don't know the 38 very well. ack ack and guppy give good advice, you should pay heed...especially considering they are far better than your or i are.
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Offline skorpion

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #98 on: May 29, 2011, 08:13:22 AM »
btw, i like your "its the pilot" remark, thnxs for calling me the better pilot  ;)
you, are the biggest idiot on this earth. i never said you were the better pilot.

learn to read.

Learn to counter a Spitfire (any model) and they won't be such a problem.  
what ack said, you can counter them with almost any plane, wether its a brew in turning or a K4 in roping. its possible.

try that for once? maybe you wont get your sorry arse beaten so hard next time?
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 08:17:10 AM by skorpion »

Offline JOACH1M

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #99 on: May 29, 2011, 08:17:23 AM »
Me and yarbles have a 100 duals set in my 109f and his spit 5! We have done about 6 so far, and I have won all but 1. I changed his whole world wit a 109f, he calls it the the spit of 109's. And I have Dualed tndep in a spit8 and f4u4 in my 109f, and came out on top. I'll post films when home...

109f is a plane that I am truly scared of...

Now guppy, could you post some of the spit12's performance!  :D
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Offline skorpion

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #100 on: May 29, 2011, 08:19:20 AM »
Me and yarbles have a 100 duals set in my 109f and his spit 5! We have done about 6 so far, and I have won all but 1. I changed his whole world wit a 109f, he calls it the the spit of 109's. And I have Dualed tndep in a spit8 and f4u4 in my 109f, and came out on top. I'll post films when home...

109f is a plane that I am truly scared of...

Now guppy, could you post some of the spit12's performance!  :D

thank you joachim, maybe that will get the point across to tyrannis? get those films quick! id actually like to see them.

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #101 on: May 29, 2011, 08:55:27 AM »
I don't mind Spits in the MA (I stay away from dweeb ball lake in the DA).  At least the Spits will usually mix it up and fight.  It's all the 190s and P51s that I find tiresome in the MA.  It's pick attempt, extend a sector... 

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #102 on: May 29, 2011, 10:13:52 AM »
and yet YOU still dont get it.

im  merely giving skorpion the oppurtunity to prove what he's saying, not make myself look "uber" so your taking that totally the wrong way.

and if i had my choice, i'd prefer a hurricane/p38 horde than a spit16 horde. they have more notable disadvantages.

grumpy wether you agree with me or not, i dont really care, but the majority who do fly in the lake agree, the spit16s are a menace, who ruin good fights. just because youve never ran into a spit16 horde doesnt mean others havent.

If spit 16s are such a meanace learn how to kill them.  Every plane ruins good fights.  I'm pretty sure in that ole 38 ;) he's ran into a horde of 16s.

Overall stop complaining about one of the notable planes as he's stated and play the game.

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #103 on: May 29, 2011, 12:24:35 PM »
you, are the biggest idiot on this earth. i never said you were the better pilot.

learn to read.

what ack said, you can counter them with almost any plane, wether its a brew in turning or a K4 in roping. its possible.

try that for once? maybe you wont get your sorry arse beaten so hard next time?
skorpion, im not "challenging" you to a 1v1, your 109f4 vs my spit16. im giving you the oppurtunity to prove what you said about the f4 because ive never seen one outturn a spit, so i wanted to see if you could make your own statement true.

but it seems your not up to it, pity.  :)

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Re: Spit 12
« Reply #104 on: May 29, 2011, 12:50:42 PM »
Ignore the kids...
It would be the least dweeby and the most elegant spit IMO
I would like to see it added right after the russian rides and the ju188.
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