It's time to begin our third year. Thanks to everyone who's participated in these events over the past two years. I hope you're all still having fun. I know I am.
Just to reiterate from the sign-up thread as we begin our third year of tournamanets I spent a couple of hours going through a rules re-write. Highlights of the changes include:
- Organized the rules under major headings to make understanding and interpretation easier.
- Changed the final round from best of five to best of seven.
- Added a rule that duels must be fought from the cockpit view.
- Clarified rules regarding dumping ammo.
- Simplified some rules regarding forfeitures and added a rule about advancing multiple times by forfeit.
- Added/clarified rules regarding film requirements in the later rounds.
- Shortened the timeframes for submissions and determinations in dispute resolution from 36 to 24 hours.
Don't let the rules intimidate you. It's all about fair play.
Please read and understand the rules which are located in the next post. It's nice to see some new names joining us this time around. Welcome to the tournament. At the same time there's names missing that I was hoping to see. The final roster is below sorted by in-game name which are also used in the bracket. Cross reference this list to get the person't BBs name so you can use PM to arrange your duels.
Lepape, I've used you as the contact for Assi until he has a BBs account. Make sure I got your information correct and don't forget, if you change your in-game or BBs names suring the tournament you need to post here so we know who you are.
In-Game - BBs
Competitors 4Fox - Fox
AAJagerX - AAJagerX
Ace8 - STXAce8
AKZoney - Zoney
Amaazee - Amaazee
Assi - Lepape2
BaldEagl - BaldEagl - Administrator
batfinkv - mechanic
Bearkats - Husky01
Boo - mthrockmor
BrknArow - craze079
Bruv119 - Bruv119
Changeup - Changeup
Cursed - Qrsu
Devil5O5 - Devil 505
DrBone - DrBone1
Estes - Kjetil
Fryrtuck - ACE
gus - gusman
haxxor - dkff49 - Review Committee
INK - ink
IrishOne - IrishOne
JUGgler - JUGgler
Krupcake - Krupinski
Lepape2 - Lepape2
Loxy - Gemini
LTARkilz - kilz - Review Committee
Meatgazr - Hang82
MickyD - MickDono
NatCigg - NatCigg
nrshida - nrshida
pervert - pervert
PFactorD - PFactorDave
Rebel - GNucks
Rud3boi - HGTonyVi
SF - --)SF----
Shark60 - truss51
shiv - shiv
Simon - Simon
SirNuke - Noir
Slash27 - Slash27
Strokes - StokesAk
SunsFan - sunfan1121
TC - TequilaChaser - Review Committee
Tomcat21 - Tomcat21
TonyJoey - TonyJoey
Twizzty - Twizzty
tyrannis - Tyrannis
UrSelf - 68ZooM
Vinkman - Vinkman
waystin2 - waystin2
wrongway - AWwrgwy
Yarbles - Yarbles
Non-Competitors Melvin - Melvin - Review Committee Alternate
As always, a special thanks to the review committee volunteers.
As to the bracket itself we were eight players short of filling it so that gave eight people byes in the fisrt round, one from each quarterfinal root. You have a week (until noon CDT next Sunday) to get your duels in and results posted.
Remember the loser has to post results. You may also want to review the rules regarding posting deadlines to avoid a forfeit if you're having trouble getting your duels arranged.
Here's the first round match-ups:
Good luck to all.