So if this is not clarrified I will assume in the next round which I definatley wish to enter I will fly into the merge at 10.2k until I reach Icon and then begin to dive in. Simple as that . I don't care what any member of the The Few or The Muppets have to say about this that is what I have taken away form the 7th event. It is a great event but it is an evolving event and the rules need to evolve with it.
It depresses me in general how partisan people are on all sides of the argument in their judgemnet but I can assure anyone who wished to make the effort to think about this that I am acting in what I consider to be the interests of the event and not representing one interest over another in this conclussion. What I am repressenting is my own personnel judgement in an event I have taken part in .
This is one of those points I really wish I was not in a squad as this will be taken up and no doubt digested as squad politics but sometimes one feels compelled to speak from ones own conscience which over rides all else and as someone who values the opportunity this event represents to compete. I would like this with respect to BE to be dealt with thoroughly. If there is no issue here and this is all witin my own mind I will be informed accordingly but I susspect the best outcome is a tightening of the rules in this area for the benefit of everyone. These are my own sincere and personnel concers and I hope no nastiness follows on from this though based on past experience of the calibre of some of the pople involved in this it will.
Geezus, you'd think there was a cash prize with all these nit picky rule whines. 10k 10.1k, who cares, it's freaking negligible. Any player with half a clue dives on the merge anyways to get the lower hand, at which point the other player dives. Well, since it starts at 10k both players have to chop throttle to avoid compressing so the whole 200ft over becomes a completely moot point. If you plan on squeeking into a fight with a 10-20 mph advantage and going ROCKETMAN on the merge, you might win the fight (you'll still likely get blasted actually) but you'll lose all respect in the dogfighting community.
Just keep it close to 10k, preferably right under, simple as that.