You have 26 minutes left left after reaching 40k, and ~24 after getting to 42k...
But I guess this is one of the threads were simple facts do not matter at all: The Tempest out of it's water on the deck and can't compete with the Spit 14, many fighters can't reach 25k, spit 14 is out of fuel when climbing to it's top altitude... Let's simply claim something to prove a point... one opinion is worth a thousand facts 
if i told you that i was stupid and assumed the incorrect statement about the tempest's speed... would you believe me?

but still lusche, you cant really claim that it is still not out of its element on low alt fights. yes its turn with the torque is excellent, but its roll rate and opposite turn with torque is still inadequate vs other A/C.
Yes, its got its speed over everything else, but most enemy come to a fight with at least some sort of altitude so as to dive on the furball or to have advantage, this would completely nullify the tempests speed at low alt unless they decided to play smart and stay high. it would be forced to evade and lose its E and the advantage would always be to the enemy so as to say with any aircraft in AH.
so what? its got 4 hispanos. those hizookas cant do anything if you cant maneuver the plane onto the enemy's six. and i know for a fact that if i had a spit14 vs the tempest i would be able to out turn and out maneuver it in a fight and kill it. this of course is if the tempest doesnt run. The Spit14 deserves a slight perk. It will outclimb and out turn the tempest in a dogfight. the only thing the tempest has over the 14 is its E and speed. Granted i was mistaken about the tempest's top speed but since when do you see a temp low and slow also? you see people in spit14s entering furballs all the time thinking (oh, its perked and a spit! maybe its better!). It is better but not in the ways people imagine spitfires to be. It is an amazing aircraft that people do not know how to fly because they do not realize its potential. The perk should stay