=LETALITY!= is not to be. Canx. Finito. Caput. Wasted drama. Curtains.
There was a little bit of a nucleus forming...BUT two weeks in still zero hard commits out of the gate. Nobody wanted to be the first because everybody wanted to "wait and see." Initially I was prepared to take the time to "get it right" but ultimately I have not afforded that time and it is likely for the best.
Ze Frau was concerned I'd get too competitive/spend more time online even after I wasn't having fun as a Sq CO. She's right, I wouldn't have stopped till I had forged the best base-busting squad in the game. I already beginning to put "work" into a game and it's not like I don't have a full plate outside cartoon world. (Teeter...)
Tonight Rogent has recruited me back to POTW. (He recruited me when I was just starting AH) After three yrs we caught up a bit and history has repeated itself. Pleasant deja vu. I did enjoy my time with the swine and ultimately the game is supposed to be about
fun and not brutal 100% pinpoint efficiency. No training relative newbs, no SOPs, no organizing XYZ or building webpages... I have succumbed! I began AH in mud and to mud I shall return... Letality! was/is a great concept with a great backstory. Alas, a humble spear carrying Pig I shall be in cartoonland, but I look forward to it.

Sincere apologies for the whiplash to gents "on the fence" and thanks again to the well-wishers esp The Loose Deuce and The Few!

(Flamesuit on for the inevitable glute-pushers
