Author Topic: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)  (Read 22223 times)

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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #45 on: June 18, 2011, 01:42:12 PM »
As a Ford guy I've always liked the Mustangs.  OK I take that back.. I never was a big fan of the Fox body (80's) but oh well.  When they redesigned it in '94 I thought it looked cool but I quickly leaned that everything was just... cheap.  The new '05 design was a HUGE leap in the right direction.  A lot of the quality returned, it looked neat, and it went from feeling like a "cheap" ride to feeling like a "luxurious, quality" ride.  Everything felt heavier and more solid, and the entire car was more stable as a result.

The problem is that they haven't really made any big changes since then.  It's been seven years now and while GM and Chrysler have released their competition by 'bringing back' lost models (Camaro and Challenger), Ford really has nothing to offer someone looking for something new and different as far as sports cars go.  In order to stand out, Ford has to continue to change and evolve the Mustang *BUT* to be fair that costs money.  Since Ford declined financial assistance I'd imagine that their R&D funds were quite a bit lower... while GM and Chrysler were sinking millions into their sports cars to try to make a quick buck, Ford was busy restructuring their ways of doing business for long term success.

At least that's my theory.

Personally I'm not worried.  Even if they end up eliminating the Mustang model altogether like Chevy did the Camaro - in a few years they'll come out with a whole new car that will just BLOW AWAY the competition.  Maybe by then I'll be in a financial position to actually OWN ONE! haha

 mustang unchanged in 7 years? did you forget the 5.0L? or the 3.7L? or the new body design? there's plenty changed.

 people moving to the camaro will be back, unless they like looking at tail lights........ :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #46 on: June 18, 2011, 01:43:04 PM »

Ahh but Ford did accept money.

This year mustang upped the ante with more horsepower as the V6 camaro was almost an equal of the mustang GT with a V8. that was a plus but they then changed the rear end of the car to... well I have no idea what they were thinking. Camaro keeps them coming with the new 40 year annivesary edition and early next year the ZL1. Following later will be the Z28.

I'd hate to see the mustang go the way the camaro did for awhile. I'm truely hoping they find some success to keep them coming too.

My main reason for posting was to nag Cap a bit. Always fun needling eachother between car makes. :)

 wait? you're trying to say that the v6 camaro runs mid 12's?
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #47 on: June 18, 2011, 01:44:25 PM »
CAP must be having a good/bad Friday, even I beat him to O'club forum today.

 was busy as all get out....but not a good fun kinda busy....more like a "nothing effing going right" kinda busy
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #48 on: June 18, 2011, 01:49:53 PM »
you cant compare the 2, ones a sports car. the other is a muscle car.
thats like comparing a mustang to a Ferrari, or a camaro to a Lamborghini

but i'll see your raise and give you a z06 getting its  :ahand handed to it by a 71' charger.

 todays charger can hardly wear the title of "muscle" car.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #49 on: June 18, 2011, 01:50:00 PM »
Masherbrum, I didn't really wish to get involved, but you are being such a tool about it.  :frown:

Son ... the Mustang is not going away anytime soon. You even posting that article is a clear statement that you know very little about those cars ... or you are so galuable that I'm surprised you are not waiting to hear about your wife ... the Nigarian pricess ... that drained your bank account lately.

It is indeed a fact that the Camaro is outselling the Mustang months after months, but look at the numbers, it's not a crushing victory. The gap increased last couple of months not because people woke up thinking the Mustang was garbage, but because the dealers ran out of them. The shortage of the 3.7 that you mentioned, plus other factors such as the tsunami in Japan that destroyed the paint factory creating a shortage in some colors. Dealers cannot order enought of them, nor keep them in stock, which in any economics books is NOT a sign of going bankrupt.

Competition is what is awsome, there would not be no ZL1 if there wasn't a GT500 ... there would be no 400+HP Mustang GT if there wasn't a Camaro SS. Mustang keeps improving year after year, 2010 new body style/suspension/interior, 2011 2 brand new engines matching Camaro's output.

2011-12 Boss 302 and 302 LS. I mean seriously? A sub $50K c ar like the LS will put you ahead of a Porsche 997 GT3, Turbo or Turbo S at Laguna Seca right behind the Devon, ZR1 and ACR. And the $40,000 straight Boss will still put you ahead of a Nissan GTR, Audi R8 4.2 Quatro, Corvette Z06, Cadillac CTS-V, BMW M3, Aston Martin V12 Vantage .... I mean comon ... don't see any $40 Camaro SS in there   :cool:

The claim about the bulk of Camaro buyers being Mustan g ownners is hilliarous, and shamefull. I guaranty you that it's not the guy that bought a 2010/2011 Mustang that decides to turn around and buy a Camaro ... no really ... you  buy that?

As far as the claim by Flipwerk Camaros are about giving you a muscle car with all of those upgrades as stock parts. That's why Mustangs are not doing well. Do you even know what a 1SS and 2SS package is? Obviously not otherwise you'll not make a fool of yourself with "look at me I watched Transformer I know about cars" clown statement.

It's ok to have a favorite car or brand, like you obviously to Marchbrum, ... or CAP ... but when you start throwing crap around like you know, you just look like a clown toward the more mature crowd.

Anyway, Camaro sales are killing the Mustang  ... yeah ... might I remind GM that Mustangs outsold Camaros like 500,000 to 0 between 2005-09 ... so they have quite some catching up to do  :angel:

I posted no article or any link, you should read the thread to sound more mature.    I am a Ford owner, but I have no hatred of GM.   So I have no idea why you posted a a wall of text to the wrong person making claims of which he couldn't back up.
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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #50 on: June 18, 2011, 01:52:02 PM »
GM has been moving performance guys from the corvette line to the camaro line. That is why the ZL1 will be a track car right off the showroom floor.

Many corvette enthusiast are moving to the camaro too.

 care to explain why the camaro hasn't won any continental tire challenge races yet? why even with the modified rear spoiler they were allowed to use, the mustangs could still pummel the camaros that were out there? even on the restart.........302 walked away from the 6.2 camaro at will.  :D

 6 races. 3 bmw, 3 mustang.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #51 on: June 18, 2011, 01:52:36 PM »
Umm, the Coyote 5.0 has over 400hp.   :headscratch:

435 to the rear tires to be exact.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #52 on: June 18, 2011, 01:53:38 PM »

You counter with a statement saying a Z06 is not a muscle definition it is one. I provided proof and you have not. The comparison between a Z06 to a GT500 is pretty fair in terms of performance and price. The point in that post was proving that if you can consider a GT500 a muscle car then a Z06 is right there with it.

I don't know what I am talking about? Maybe these guys don't either:

The mustang line is all about the upgrades!

Corvettes and Camaros are about giving you a muscle car with all of those upgrades as stock parts. That's why Mustangs are not doing well.

 the z06 like every corvette, is a sports car.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #53 on: June 18, 2011, 01:57:44 PM »
The Mustang will never go away, it's Ford's best seller. Look around while your driving in rush hour traffic and count'em.
I wish Obama motors would bring back the Chevelle SS. 1970 Chevelle SS LS6, Rat Motor, 8 MPG. Best 8 miles you'll ever get.
Sadly, we get the Volt.

Pay off the Unions and stiff the investors and consumers, Is that taught in business classes these days?


 guy up the street from my shop has 3 chevelles....all big blocks. all insane.  :D

 and you are correct.....unlike the camaro, the mustang will never go away....unless cars themselves go away.......and hopefully, the mustang(again unlike the camaro) will remain an american car.  :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #54 on: June 18, 2011, 02:01:16 PM »
Masherbrum, I didn't really wish to get involved, but you are being such a tool about it.  :frown:

Son ... the Mustang is not going away anytime soon. You even posting that article is a clear statement that you know very little about those cars ... or you are so galuable that I'm surprised you are not waiting to hear about your wife ... the Nigarian pricess ... that drained your bank account lately.

It is indeed a fact that the Camaro is outselling the Mustang months after months, but look at the numbers, it's not a crushing victory. The gap increased last couple of months not because people woke up thinking the Mustang was garbage, but because the dealers ran out of them. The shortage of the 3.7 that you mentioned, plus other factors such as the tsunami in Japan that destroyed the paint factory creating a shortage in some colors. Dealers cannot order enought of them, nor keep them in stock, which in any economics books is NOT a sign of going bankrupt.

Competition is what is awsome, there would not be no ZL1 if there wasn't a GT500 ... there would be no 400+HP Mustang GT if there wasn't a Camaro SS. Mustang keeps improving year after year, 2010 new body style/suspension/interior, 2011 2 brand new engines matching Camaro's output.

2011-12 Boss 302 and 302 LS. I mean seriously? A sub $50K c ar like the LS will put you ahead of a Porsche 997 GT3, Turbo or Turbo S at Laguna Seca right behind the Devon, ZR1 and ACR. And the $40,000 straight Boss will still put you ahead of a Nissan GTR, Audi R8 4.2 Quatro, Corvette Z06, Cadillac CTS-V, BMW M3, Aston Martin V12 Vantage .... I mean comon ... don't see any $40 Camaro SS in there   :cool:

The claim about the bulk of Camaro buyers being Mustan g ownners is hilliarous, and shamefull. I guaranty you that it's not the guy that bought a 2010/2011 Mustang that decides to turn around and buy a Camaro ... no really ... you  buy that?

As far as the claim by Flipwerk Camaros are about giving you a muscle car with all of those upgrades as stock parts. That's why Mustangs are not doing well. Do you even know what a 1SS and 2SS package is? Obviously not otherwise you'll not make a fool of yourself with "look at me I watched Transformer I know about cars" clown statement.

It's ok to have a favorite car or brand, like you obviously to Marchbrum, ... or CAP ... but when you start throwing crap around like you know, you just look like a clown toward the more mature crowd.

Anyway, Camaro sales are killing the Mustang  ... yeah ... might I remind GM that Mustangs outsold Camaros like 500,000 to 0 between 2005-09 ... so they have quite some catching up to do  :angel:

 just need to remember one thing. the mustang isn't competing with the camaro. the camaro is competing with the mustang.  :aok

 amd if you go looking, the mustang gr premium can run right with the bmw m3.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #55 on: June 18, 2011, 02:03:45 PM »

Hasn't been a real Mustang since they did away with this body style.

The old Mach1's have always been my dream car and as always will be out of my reach financially.
Haxxor has returned!!!!

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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #56 on: June 18, 2011, 02:06:53 PM »
I posted no article or any link, you should read the thread to sound more mature.    I am a Ford owner, but I have no hatred of GM.   So I have no idea why you posted a a wall of text to the wrong person making claims of which he couldn't back up.

Yoy are right, I'm awfully sorry for that.  :headscratch: How on earth I got you confused with Schuffler I have no idea.
Dat jugs bro.

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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #57 on: June 18, 2011, 02:07:58 PM »
Yoy are right, I'm awfully sorry for that.  :headscratch: How on earth I got you confused with Schuffler I have no idea.

No problem bud. 
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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #58 on: June 18, 2011, 02:11:47 PM »
Yoy are right, I'm awfully sorry for that.  :headscratch: How on earth I got you confused with Schuffler I have no idea.

shuff's takin a poke at me......
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Mustang on the Endangered List (Cap)
« Reply #59 on: June 18, 2011, 02:13:06 PM »

shuff's takin a poke at me......

Damn you Shuff!!!!!!!!!  :furious
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
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