Do you enjoy furballing? Do you enjoy getting down and dirty on the deck in a "turny bird" like the zero? Do you enjoy ripping through a sea of red and green Christmas lights in a Ki 84 and extinguishing all the red lights and surviving the encounter with your squaddies? If so, ARS may be just the team for you! Look us up in game or message us on these boards with your interest. We predominately fly Japanese planes because it is our preference, not due to some squad mandate, it isn't mandatory. Along the same lines taking on the name of a true Japanese ace WAS a requirement to join ARS back in the Fighter Ace days, FA had no "perk points" to "lose" with a name change. Factoring in this consideration caused us to remove this requirement with the transition to AH. I am Nishizwa ingame, named after Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, Japan's Ace of Aces.... putting my munitions where my mouth is in my Zero for years now.