while i believe in wearing my helmet when i ride.......i do not believe anyone should have the right to tell me i must wear it. this rates right up there with seatbelts.
It also rates right up there with child safety seats by that thinking, CAP. Think about it. Sure, I agree and support that it's the American way to not tell you what to do and how to do it, and that's all and fine up until you're being held responcible for anothers irresponcibility.
These laws aren't to protect idiots who are too stupid to wear a helmet, but protect those that god forbid get into an accident with these idiots. Even if it's not my fault but I was involved in an accident where the other guy died as a result of the accident, you better believe I'll be at least spending the night in jail if not looking forward to a very long a grueling criminal court case facing manslaughter charges, and god have mercy on me if I had a single beer with the meal I had before the accident.
The next time you're makign a left turn and have a close call, and afterwards are contemplating "what if that idiot" just did one more thing different, you better prey that on that list of what-ifs is that if they have a child with them that they decided to fasten them into a car seat, or if they were riding a bike that they had helmets, otherwise it's your arse that is grass.