while i believe in wearing my helmet when i ride.......i do not believe anyone should have the right to tell me i must wear it. this rates right up there with seatbelts.
Not directed at you CAP, and I do agree that no one person, group, or government should have the authority to tell me that I
must do this, that, or anything such as wear a seatbelt or helmet, that only affects my personal safety and doesn't otherwise protect or endanger any other person....
That being said, the counterpoint to that "unlimited personal freedom" is that the moment that the insurance company finds out that the rider was not wearing a helmet (or seatbelt for driver), they may be allowed to immediately cancel all coverages and pay exactly ZERO for any claims what-so-ever, with no chance for appeal on the part of the rider or the rider's next of kin. In addition, medical personnel should be allowed to ask for payment up-front for emergency services once it becomes clear that this person was
stupid enough to ride without a helmet or other protective equipment and get his/her coverages cancelled. The hospital should not have to absorb this financial loss, nor should other patients have to endure higher charges, in order to offset the loss.
We all have rights, and yes the right to be stupid is and should be one of them. However, the effects of that stupidity should be limited to the person who chooses to be stupid.