I like the strategic value of the target, may need some tweaking though. Remember the map that had the towns located a great distance from the airfields. Instead of these being towns, they could be supply depots where the convoys and even manned vehicles carrying additional field supplies and even vehicle supplies must spawn.
I would really like to see AH get out of this low aircraft straffing business to capture a base

It brings a horde to a field to vulch the one guy who thinks he will be fast enough to zip to the town and successfully hit the ONE troop that had the friggen key to the maproom.

Taking the fight away from the airfield would encourage the 2 weekers to subscribe after their free trials. As it is 2 weekers are just fodder for the horde. However, "the collective" will argue that in order to grab territory, masses of equipment must descend onto a defenseless field and assimilate its inhabitants.

You could even expand the supply chain introducing new vehicles and new animation by advancing spawn points (another popular wish list request).