Author Topic: Hiding Carriers  (Read 16627 times)

Offline grizz441

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #300 on: August 11, 2011, 04:53:10 PM »

Offline Slash27

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #301 on: August 11, 2011, 05:05:35 PM »
Dammit Ardy :huh

Offline Groth

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #302 on: August 11, 2011, 05:06:51 PM »
 The powers-that-be can not stop an individual from contacting another using e-mail, twitter, or any of a host of means for communication, so your analogy is point-less..if not worse. They CAN make CV's do has THEY want.

Offline Ardy123

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #303 on: August 11, 2011, 05:08:55 PM »
The powers-that-be can not stop an individual from contacting another using e-mail, twitter, or any of a host of means for communication, so your analogy is point-less..if not worse. They CAN make CV's do has THEY want.

If your tweeting about AH...

... umm wow....get a life
Yeah, that's right, you just got your rear handed to you by a fuggly puppet!
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Offline MarineUS

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #304 on: August 11, 2011, 05:34:49 PM »
As I've said before, the side hiding the CV has an OVERWHELMING advantage. They have the whole length of your flight to intercept you. They have a Darbar to track the movments of the attackers. They have radar that tells you which aircraft are enemy, which are friendly (the enemy shows as red dots. They STILL don't have radar that can do that, even now IRL). They have an icon on the map that flashes whenever enemies draw to near. They have overly effective 5" guns to defend the carrier with.

What more do you want, a big red button that wins the war for you?

And again, even the HTC crew has shown this isn't what they want. Its demonstrated in the way they designed the maps, and in the 2.0 fuel burn multiplyer. You're argument is.... well dead to be honest. You argue against Hitech, you lose.
Because one missing CV wins the war for the person who owns it, right?

Well DMG you best get on 200 and spread the word to rooks and nits also about taking out hangers, because in YOUR own words right now they are ruining game play for everyone. So man up and spread the word :salute

so either you have a crush on me ( if so I'm flattered ) or you just like picking on me on the forums cause you lack the ability to do so in the game lol skilless tard
This coming from the person who has intentionally trolled me several times on more than one thread. So, in this right, you are admitting that you have a crush on me? I mean, you ARE doing the same thing he's doing, or is it O.K. for you to do things and only you because only you are right?

He didn't pick on you either, he merely pointed out a fact. You say "WIN TEH WARZ" guys are ruining game play. Well, god d@m|\|!t go tell all of your buddies to never, ever, ever, ever, ever, drop a hangar, ords, dar, ack, barracks, gun, or building and that the C47, M3, Jeep and German halftrack are NOT to be used for troops. EVER.
I mean, we must all play your way and not win the war. Right?

Swing batter, batter, batter. Swing that troll bat a little harder.
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.


Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #305 on: August 11, 2011, 06:03:21 PM »
Again, you COMPLETLY miss the point.

Hiding a CV and keeping unsunk it is insanely easy. You've yet to adress even a single issue I have brought up in a single one of my posts.

Analysis: MarineUS is fighting a losing battle and knows it, yet like the humble lemming he is, he ignores any and all evidence proving he is losing and continues to fight on in the face of defeat.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline bmwgs

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #306 on: August 11, 2011, 06:09:27 PM »
After several days and a bunch of popcorn, I just realized how important CV's are to the game.


One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine... - From a Soviet Junior Lt's Notebook

Offline MarineUS

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #307 on: August 11, 2011, 07:27:57 PM »
Again, you COMPLETLY miss the point.

Hiding a CV and keeping unsunk it is insanely easy. You've yet to adress even a single issue I have brought up in a single one of my posts.

Analysis: MarineUS is fighting a losing battle and knows it, yet like the humble lemming he is, he ignores any and all evidence proving he is losing and continues to fight on in the face of defeat.

Fine. You want to go that way. I want you to list and number REAL issues. Not something you want to B!t(h about because it's not how you want others to play.

My answer will be in the same format.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 07:33:50 PM by MarineUS »
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.


Offline Zoney

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #308 on: August 11, 2011, 07:59:23 PM »
After several days and a bunch of popcorn, I just realized how important CV's are to the game.



I'm with ya on that BMW, didn't even know we had them untill this thread.  I wanted to check one of them out, but I can't find them.

Wag more, bark less.

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #309 on: August 11, 2011, 11:21:20 PM »
1) The attackers have absolutly 0 chance to supprise the CV defenders unless they're completly brain dead. This is unrealistic, and is caused by two factors. A) the Darbar shows the sector of attackers and even gives a rough estimate on their numbers. B) Radar also doesn't identify enemy aircraft with a red dot in real life (even now). They're all just blips on the screen, regardless of whos they are.

2) The defenders can known the location of the attacking aircraft from the minute they climb above 65' , and can reup an infinite number of times to intercept them along the 300 mile flight.

3) AAA fire doesn't decrease at all, even after all guns on every ship in the task group are destroyed.

4) 5" manned guns effectivly prevent a low-alt, under-radar attacks.

5) The CV icon flashes as soon as enemy aircraft are magicly detected. This gives attackers a miniute or two at most before the 5" guns are manned if the enemy is alert.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline SEseph

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #310 on: August 12, 2011, 12:28:38 AM »

3) AAA fire doesn't decrease at all, even after all guns on every ship in the task group are destroyed.

Wrong. Puffy ack doesn't stop. You can kill the regular ack. There are a few out here who have even landed on the enemy CV when they were stripped of their guns. It's not easy by any stretch, but it's possible.

This in no way diminishes the validity of your point, though.
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Offline Threeup

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #311 on: August 12, 2011, 02:41:46 AM »

There’s no rules to speak of, is there? You’re only limited by what the computer program will allow you to do. That’s when common sense kicks in, or should kick in.

The V-Guys do their thing. They have a plan and they mostly stick to it. It seems a bit boring though. Especially for everyone else or, should I say, all the other Bish crew that have to put up with them. For the rest though they come in numbers, they’re not very subtle and they enjoy getting slaughtered. They must do or they wouldn’t keep doing it. They have a new older recruit though. He’s got a heart condition so they may have to change tactics. His call sign is Vangina.

Hiding CV’s is a bit pointless, doesn’t it have to come out of hiding at one point? Why bother.

Each to their own.

The Mighty Raw Prawns

"It's all good fun until someone loses an eye" Rooster Cogburn

Offline VonMessa

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #312 on: August 12, 2011, 05:14:21 AM »

There’s no rules to speak of, is there? You’re only limited by what the computer program will allow you to do. That’s when common sense kicks in, or should kick in.

The V-Guys do their thing. They have a plan and they mostly stick to it. It seems a bit boring though. Especially for everyone else or, should I say, all the other Bish crew that have to put up with them. For the rest though they come in numbers, they’re not very subtle and they enjoy getting slaughtered. They must do or they wouldn’t keep doing it. They have a new older recruit though. He’s got a heart condition so they may have to change tactics. His call sign is Vangina.

Hiding CV’s is a bit pointless, doesn’t it have to come out of hiding at one point? Why bother.

Each to their own.

Yes there are.

You must have missed the memo...

The rules are simple:  Don't be a dick.
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Offline RufusLeaking

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #313 on: August 12, 2011, 06:19:02 AM »
B) Radar also doesn't identify enemy aircraft with a red dot in real life (even now). They're all just blips on the screen, regardless of whos they are.
There is a real life device, IFF (Identify Friend or Foe?), on the transponder that can be interrogated by friendlies. Radar can identify equipped friendlies.
GameID: RufLeak
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Offline MarineUS

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Re: Hiding Carriers
« Reply #314 on: August 12, 2011, 06:43:32 AM »
1) The attackers have absolutly 0 chance to supprise the CV defenders unless they're completly brain dead. This is unrealistic, and is caused by two factors. A) the Darbar shows the sector of attackers and even gives a rough estimate on their numbers. B) Radar also doesn't identify enemy aircraft with a red dot in real life (even now). They're all just blips on the screen, regardless of whos they are.

2) The defenders can known the location of the attacking aircraft from the minute they climb above 65' , and can reup an infinite number of times to intercept them along the 300 mile flight.

3) AAA fire doesn't decrease at all, even after all guns on every ship in the task group are destroyed.

4) 5" manned guns effectivly prevent a low-alt, under-radar attacks.

5) The CV icon flashes as soon as enemy aircraft are magicly detected. This gives attackers a miniute or two at most before the 5" guns are manned if the enemy is alert.

It would seem that 2 of these have already been answered before I could reply.

1. IIRC dar bar requires more than one plane/pile-it (unless this only accounts for it not showing your own darbar [for your plane]), so split up in side by side sectors in 234's. If I happen to be mistaken (which will undoubtably be pointed out if I am.), then don't CV hunt alone. Normally it's 1 to 3 people who will hide & defend the CV on a CONSTANT basis (meaning the crew responsible for hiding it in the first place.), so if you up say, 3 sets of buffs you should have little issue (if any) popping the enemy as they attempt to hit you. The key to this though is not being a lazy arse and flying low. If you fly high, it will take them a while to get back up to alt, thus buying you more time to hit it without disturbance. Every base has a radar and dar bar. Do you think that when a full darbar pops up way behind enemy lines that the other countries don't realize a strat/HQ raid is coming? Those guys don't seem to mind that the enemy knows what is going on. (I love strat runs. Shooting down 163's and 262's fill me with joy.). This is only an issue for pile-it who doubts their own ability to survive long enough to get to and drop on the target. There's ONE ship you must hit for it to respawn, not the whole group, so it's not THAT difficult.

2. You posted the same thing in two different forms. This does not require a separate answer. Please see above.

Wrong. Puffy ack doesn't stop. You can kill the regular ack. There are a few out here who have even landed on the enemy CV when they were stripped of their guns. It's not easy by any stretch, but it's possible.

4. It takes 2 well placed bombs/rockets to knock out the manned 5 inchers on a CV (Not the single 5 inchers [IMHO] are not much of a threat.). Don't fly in a straight line and they'll have to move around a little. I love it when guys bee-line towards my CV when I'm on the guns. It screams lunch.

5. "If the enemy is alert" - O.K., so you're saying that a country that sees their CV 9 sectors off is going to have someone chilling in the 5 inchers, sittin' back and drinkin' a cold one just waiting for someone like yourself to fly over? If you're high enough they won't be able to see your icon anyways and it is difficult to hit the planes. Any base flashes when being hit, this is nothing special and in my mind, means it does not apply to the situation -  5 inch guns or not.

The key to sinking a CV is numbers or altitude - hell try both. It works on the first try 99% of the time.

Is there anything I missed that you seem to think is entirely off topic and not answering/commenting on your remarks? How else may I please you other than no longer responding or kissing your arse? BTW: With a name like "Tank-Ace", why do you care so much about naval issues in-game? Just curious.
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.
