Thank you. Was dragging arse last night when I posted,as slow as the tanks seem to be for climbing hills now??? Maybe they are closer to reality than what we had prior to the changes? Still think the cross country speeds should be looked at rather than the balls to the wall AHII speeds that we have now.
This would give lighter tanks a big advantage for flanking heavy armour.
Half the problem with that is there is no repercussion for ramming a tree, no gullys to get trapped in, no stream beds to slow down for an ford, no boulders to get hung up on, etc etc. Just a few smaller mounds to drive around. I understand the concern with the top speeds being road speeds, but how else could HTC limit the tank speeds? Coding swamps, bogs, gravel, dips, mud, soft dirt, packed dirt, etc etc can only be a major undertaking. HTC has already shown to be hesitant to limit the top speeds and abilities of aircraft via weather conditions and that is easy to do, so adding in ground conditions to limit the speeds of gv's would be even tougher. On the same note, I doubt HTC would put a speed limiter on gv's either. Just a hunch though.