That's because you had posted, Vinkman hadn't and I wanted to get the bracket up. I'll change it with the next update to reflect the fight.
My fault. I had been corresponding with INK by PM and didn't think to post int he thread. I also thought the deadline was Sunday night so it never occurred to me that it looked like I was a no show at noon on Sunday. The good news is INK won so the bracket doesn't change.
...but it was close! the 39 fight was a wild one. In the end INK flat spun it in, as he has about 2 minutes of time in that plane and I have 50% of my AH time in that bird. Then the Ki-84 fight was pretty wild. I got first hits on him when he reversed at the top and came down on me. He was too slow to maneuver to line me up, but gathered up enough juice to extend before I could reverse. After some more twisties, I gambled with a double S move onto his six, but bled a lot of E in the process. After I dropped in I was a nose down compared to him so I was trying to get the nose up for the shot, which was about 400 yards. He pulled up and with his higher speed he maintained a position ahead of my lead shot still at about 400 yards. He maneuvered in the vertical, in my gunsight as I tried to line him up but I was sluggish and could not quite get lined up. He extended to about 600 but I thought I still had a good opportunity to get the kill shot. He started to slideout of position, so I knew he was stalling, Come on! full power, get the nose over just a touch!!. I tried to get the nose to fall in his direction but OH NO I'm sliding backwards!! I had entered a vertical tail slide and was falling straight down...backwards. He rolled out of the stall and away from me, probably because I was till facing him and he didn't reallize I was going backwards yet.
I fell a long way and could not recover from that death slide. I can't remember if he eventually shot me or if I hit the ground first. But It seemed like I was falling for 60 sec. So close from my point of view. I real nail biter and I loved every second of it.
Thanks again for the fights INK. Love the way you fly.